hey guys im new to this forum. i have been a hardcore bodom fan since 98 and have gotten around 20 people listening to them. people know me for introducing their friends to bodom...
anyway on topic - i really hate this topic lol. you all have a pretty good idea of whats going on eclectically. americans are generally arrogant and ignorant. i work at Capital One in federal way, WA, USA. its a credit card company. you know what kind of notes people send in? "you guys are assholes blah blah you are all stupid (because i owe you money)". people get pissed off at credit card companies because THEY(card company) were the ones that put the fuckin greedy assholes in debt!(sarcasm). other notes i see that people send in "im sorry my retarded son got a hold of my card and racked up a $1000 debt, please remove from balance(and jerk me off a few times while you're at it)". (credit is the worst invention ever.)
bush is a moron yes we all know. for all of you who just loathe america, dont worry all great empires come to an end and choke on their own ballsack. if you all think you're so damn pure and innocent over in europe, why dont you talk to the people that still live in TRIBES? fact is, we're all guilty and were all in the same damn situation. all countries and governments are bullshit and there will always be a most powerful country that wants to keep it that way and will do everything possible. i dont give two shits about who we kill because i dont value human life. people have said that humans are the highest life. people didnt know 10,000 years ago that if they started growing fuckin food out of the ground it would amount to this shit. who are the fuckin arrogant ones? THE WHOLE GOD DAMN HUMAN RACE! as long as you are under the control of a government, you are guilty. many tribes are influenced by the chief or shaman or whatever, but not CONTROLLED. we are all controlled as long as we buy food, and we are all going to die the same no matter what we worship, kill, and tamper with in life. so unless you have an idea that will allow 6 billion people to start hunting and gathering without depleting the worlds animals, then you can start talkin and catch my ear. but instead you are pointing fingers at "the bad guy". we have this problem in america where if someone is doing something worse than you, its okay to attack their character. it kinda seems like the whole world is pointing out flaws of america instead of worrying about their own shit. america is doing the exact same thing, instead of worrying about homeless and giving people fuckin jobs, they want to bomb someone so that 1% of the population can benefit.
i can admit i am stuck in this damn situation, and you know what i am greedy as fuck because thats how i was trained. to have the best and newest everything. i spend more money on hobbies(overclocking, amp wall, restoring my 1970 monte carlo) than i do on anything else besides living expenses. i want to be a dumbfuck that wins a million dollars because he can name the god damn capital of germany. i want to be as drunk and stoned and fuckin lazy as possible for the rest of my life because i hate this god damn world and i dont want to do shit to contribute. im a second year computer science student... im programming a bunch of NOTHING! its all a big fuckin waste to me and the only reason i would give a shit if someone stabbed me in the face a hundred times is because my fiancee would be devastated and my selfish fuckin parents would get my belongings to which they had no part in providing. ok done...