Forum members as parents

Arch said:
Sven NicktheClaymanson = Krigsbarn + NicktheClayman's son.

Sven: "Pappa, what's for dinner?"

Nick: "Your mommy's favourite, köttbullar and your daddy's very own Chicago style pot brownies."
Krigs and I having sex huh? *shudders* You couldnt pay me to have sex with her using RealHazard's penis.

The child could be adopted you know. :lol: What's so wrong about that Krigs person?

:lol: This thread is hilarious. :lol:
MiniHazard1: *waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!*
RealHazard: You sound like a horny goat, son!!!
MiniHazard1: *aaaaaaaahhh* *crying*
RealHazard: Yep, you sure do sound like a drunken breeding antelope!
MiniHazard2: Dad, what's this stuff? *holds up hand covered in semen*
RealHazard: heheheheheheheh, you ARE a horny antelope!
MiniHazard2: What the fuck are you talking about?
RealHazard: Let's go watch a porno.

This one sucks :(
Semi-on topic, I had a discussion on parenting with two friends tonight. One was Italian, the other American. The Italian was telling the American that the American system is too competitive, since parents are known to tell their kids all about the other kids' successes in order to stimulate them. The American agreed, although that obviously was a generalization, and she said that competitiveness should not be forced down childrens' throats. I had a thought that I did not voice, i. e. that I think I got a part of my drive to achieve from being constantly sort of berated - my performance was never compared to the one of other people, for several reasons, but I surely got a lot of shit when I acted unfocused, and sure I still get a lot of shit when I act arrogant or mindless, even though I do not live with my parents any more. It's kind of paradoxical, how this very old-fashioned way of bringing kids up is regareded as 'without love', as opposed to attitudes that seem to be more nurturing. On the other hand, some results are remarkably better, if one has to look at understandable benchmarks. Other results are unpredictable.
Very true, Hyena. All these American competitiveness causes men to have small penises. That's why most of us Americans drive large sports utility vehicles to make up for the differences so we can feel oh-so-adequate. :p
krigsbarn said:
Magsec as a dad:

Magsecson: Daddy... why do you smell like pee, what is that... why are you wet?

Magsec4: ZzzzzzZzzz

krigsbarn you suck at this thread : p

Hey, am I the only one here who would actually like to be a parent?
In the future at some point and when I'm ready circumstantially, I can't wait to have a son and/or daughter.
(..well yeah, I can and will wait, but you know what I mean)
I would like to have a chance to do my best to make and raise a person of whom this world isn't worthy.
I don't want to have kids or be a parent.
Mags, I'm with you buddy. I'm from a fairly big family, and so there hasn't been a time in my life where there hasn't been a young child around, and so I've had plenty of experience with helping to raise, look after etc etc. So, the idea of having a kid or two in my future seems natural to me, a natural extension of my life. And then I think that all I really crave out of existence is the somewhat cliched white picket fence, kids and a dog routine. Except maybe not the dog. Maybe a cat.
Oh, and a career as a musician would be nice too, but I'm not greedy ;)
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I'd most definitely love to have kids, possibly not too late (I'm 25 now). I pretty much agree with Ben on the white picket fence, kids and cat, only substitute picket fence with ivory tower and you've got me to a T. The point is that at the moment nobody wants to contribute to my project of having kids, and it's tough to do that on my own.
MagSec4 said:
I would like to have a chance to do my best to make and raise a person of whom this world isn't worthy.
That's similar to what my motivation would be. Not necessarily to raise one of whom the world isn't worthy, but along those lines.
Hiljainen said:
me+ children= no no no.
put me in a room with a baby and i'll dig my way out in less than a minute (with my own fingernails)
I would like to see that. :D
A person of whom this world isn't worthy, would probably have a fair chance at being lonely..

On a side-note, i find men who are so eager to plant their seed, quite scary. :grin: