Forum updates


Mar 9, 2006
As you might have noticed, the forum has gone through a small structure update. The Finnish subforum was removed and we set up another subforum for gigs instead. All threads on liveshows should from now on go in this subforum.

On another note, if someone of you regulars would be interested in functioning as mod on these forums -keeping things in order, please PM me.
to be honest it's us regulars that tend to, erm, get things slightly off topic... and then get told off by Ollie...

Who us?
I could make a list of who would be awful mods though, GFAD at the top of course, myself second due to being unabashedly biased. Katie, for she is too easily lead astray by sinks further into the depths.

Olli for mod! he only seems to appear to give news or moan that we're off topic precisely as he arrives. That's all we need with so few regulars.
but I think with a "bit" of practise everyone would make a good mod ;)
same here, already been a mod in several forums so I so got used to that *lol*
I could send a pm since I'm quite a long time here already, but well, I'm already moderator at the forum of Týr, Eluveitie, Heidevolk and Epica, and also in the chatbox of Epica, so it will get a bit too much hehe:rolleyes:
wow, that´s much ingrid...
a year ago I cut down everything, like being mod in 4 bigger forums got too much for me *laughing*
Sampy Arctica™;7470298 said:
Not really.

discussion about where we worked as a mod is not that anymore on topic though *lol*
but it always depends on who your definition on "on topic" looks like ;)
just a point of view thingy I guess
probably, yeah...
i don´t mind (ot doesnt bother me) who´s going to get the job, as long as it works out ;)