Found an apartment!


Feb 4, 2002
Blue Mountains,Australia
Visit site
Yay today I finally found an was kinda my last day I had to look for moving when I wanted to.
But I found a nice and cozy studio apartment!With a bath as well....YAY no sacrificing my baths.Nice and cheap too $145 a week...less than what I was estimating I would find one for!
Two more weeks and I will not have to stress so much about getting home after a night out..jump in a cab easy!No more night rides or $100 cab fares.:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Has that song by Custard that goes "I've got a new apartment baby, da da da-da da" been in your head all day?

OK, I guess not. :)

BTW, the most I paid for a cab fare was $42 to get home from a wedding I didn't even want to go to. Was NOT impressed (especially as I turned down a lift an hour beforehand).
cabs ha , let's not go there $85 in sydney , and i'll never EVER do it again .... :(
anway ...
Congrats there JBj ... what area thu ???
we got a 2 br near the beach for like $120 with floreboards :D ... it's old but very nice ......
FAR from the city thu , so nect time , i'm going closer , stuff it lol ....
I shall be living in Potts Point.
@ Spiff I have done it twice caught a cab all the way home...once after the Dungeon Harbour Cruise after party was smashed and had no idea what I was doing till I got near home and realized how fucking stupid I was.Then last Friday night when the night rides were fucked up and had to wait over an hr for one which meant getting an hr sleep b4 getting up for wrk.I currently live about an hr or so away from the city.Shall be living walking distance or five to ten minutes cab ride away.
I get 75% discount on my cab fares. One of the many perks of having a disability :heh:.

I get all the best parking spots too. Pity I don't drive, otherwise I'd use 'em...

Spiff, who's wedding was it you didn't want to go to? I have another one coming up in February and will use any possible means of escape to get out of it :). I've no objections to people getting married, but why do they expect me to show up?

Wrathy, I think I might have to get one a disability if it means I can get cheap cab fares :) Do you get cheap CDs as well? If so, then I'm going to get someone to kneecap me tomorrow!

It was a girl from work. None of us liked her, but we all felt obligated to go... would have looked a bit suss if none of us went (she didn't know we hated her), and once one person stepped forward to go, we all followed suit.