I Moved Out.

BlackwaterNymph said:
This is the only pic I have up of the kitty:


I have a cat that looks just like him :kickass: His name is Shadow, how original, huh? He likes to sleep on my daughters bed. Funny same situation ~ he licks your head while your sleeping. It's creepy and makes your skin crawl. :zombie:
Shpongled said:
I remember driving away, waving to my mom and she had that sad "he's not coming back" look on her face. I still well up sometimes when I think about it. I really wish I would have handled that whole situation differently in hindsight.

You know...it's never too late to tell them this, so long as they're still around.
Shpongled said:
I definitely have.

Then you need to let it go. You can't change it, and you've done what you can to make amends. Dwelling on it just makes you feel worse. Consider it part of your maturing.
Random Beard said:
24. Kevin is slightly older than me, so I thought it odd you give him maturity advice is all. :p

Heh....I'm 34.

Wasn't really trying to give maturity advice...but maybe help him realize that it's a sign that he already IS maturiing, and to cut himself some slack over this.