FOZZY's RICH WARD Says 'S**tty' Treatment By ANTHRAX's SCOTT IAN Taught Him A Lesson


True Fan
Feb 5, 2005
California USA

Speaking about the importance of treating fans with respect, Ward said: "When you see something ugly in somebody else, just remember how ugly that looked, and just say, 'God…' Like the first time I met [ANTHRAX guitarist] Scott Ian, he was a total dick to me. And the second time I met Scott Ian, he was a total dick to me. It was rough, 'cause I'm a big ANTHRAX and Scott Ian fan, so that was really tough. Because as a fanboy, even though I was making records and I already had success of my own, I was still a little kid in his presence, 'cause [ANTHRAX's classic album] 'Among The Living' was a big record for me."

He continued: "I just remember: don't be a dick to people, Rich. 'Cause you remember how it felt when he was to you. Now, I don't know what he was going through. Maybe he was having a rough day, or maybe he just hated my face — I don't know — but I'm just gonna try not to do that, 'cause I remember it just sucked the way it made me feel afterwards. And I walked away going, 'Damn, man. That was rough.'"

Ward added: "Do I think Scott Ian is a dick? I don't even know and it's none of my business to say. I just know that, lesson learned: don't treat people shitty when they come up to you and say, 'Hey, I love [STUCK MOJO's] 'Pigwalk'. That was a cool record.' Make sure to shake their hand and say, 'Thank you.' Because if you're a dick to them, not only does that show little class and a lack of appreciation for a real fan, but, also, it just shows you have no class at all and it means you're just a shitty human. And so all of those kind of bad situations, I just turn them back around on myself as a lesson: don't do that. It looks shitty."
It sucks to say, but it seems a LOT of people have this experience in meet & greets when it comes to Scott.
I've heard a lot of these stories about him also. It seems weird. He's metal he likes horror and comics and does speaking tours. You'd think he'd be cool with meeting his people!
Every time I have met him he has been nice. It's been a LOT of times, too. I think that maybe sometimes people think that if an artist doesn't want to stand around and chat or if they are quiet- it means they are an asshole. Not true. And you know- after shows they are tired. Maybe they are headed to the shower or to get some food. Everyone has bad days. I know for sure that I've been SUPER drunk and annoying on more than one occasion while meeting Anthrax. I'm sure I annoyed Scott- but he has never been rude to me.
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Every time I have met him he has been nice. It's been a LOT of times, too. I think that maybe sometimes people think that if an artist doesn't want to stand around and chat or if they are quiet- it means they are an asshole. Not true. And you know- after shows they are tired. Maybe they are headed to the shower or to get some food. Everyone has bad days. I know for sure that I've been SUPER drunk and annoying on more than one occasion while meeting Anthrax. I'm sure I annoyed Scott- but he has never been rude to me.
Yeah that's very true, there can be a lot of reasons someone can come across as a dick, especially when there might be some hero worship involved. But chicks always get a better reception than fanboys. Just sayin lol
Heard all the stories,chuck is just as bad apparently,main reason why I haven't met them yet.
I remember hearing that Charlie is actually really shy, that could definitely be confused as being not so nice. I'm not saying that's the way it is, I'm just saying it could be.
I feel like if I gave them money for a CD or a live show, then that's all they have to give me. An autograph or even just a handshake is gravy, but I don't expect anything extra. They are human and some people just aren't friendly with everyone all the time. Now, if it's a VIP pass or meet and greet that you paid for, that's different.
Next time around I plan on getting the meet and greet but mainly just to avoid the line, I'll shake Scott's hand and move on that way if he's a dick it won't ruin the night for me.
That's funny because I remember when I was at a show on the Stomp tour in I think 1996 a guy in the crowd apparently asked Scott for a pick in between songs, and Scott said on stage, "I don't know why people want my picks, they don't even have my name on them!" Then he mocked the guy in the crowd who asked him for one. I have the bootleg video of that somewhere. I thought it was funny when it happened but looking back that seems kinda douche-baggy.
Yes, but I've seen that sort of thing done before in a way that's amusing even for the person being mocked as long as it's not straight up mean.
I assume Scott has seen this article. Wonder if he reached out to Rich Ward..... Fozzy toured with Anthrax when they were in Australia a couple of years ago. Would be interested to know Scotts thought on this!!!
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