[FREE] Cube 15x Reamp

shit if knew this would get so much attention i wouldnt have hesitated to offer reamping through my marshall AVT valvestate 2000 :lol::lol: but even i dont like its "tones" :Puke:
Those AVT's can sound pretty good actually dude lol!

are you being sarcastic? i genuinly havent heard anything good from this damn amp since ive owned it, :lol:, it was a few years ago my last amp broke and i got it second hand for cheap, but to this day i can only get reasonable tones with it if i use my GT-10, maybe i just suck at dailing in tones, but even lecto on 12 o clock settings on modern sounds better than my marshall,

i might re-amp the DIs offered earlier and we will see how good it can sound with the fredman technique, hmmmm, i feel a rate my mix "how good is my shit amp thread" coming :lol: