Free Escalation demo CD.


Kimon Zeliotis
Aug 31, 2001
Athens, Greece
Visit site
Hello guys,

We recently made a few copies of our demo CD to give out to a few magazines/webzines and friends. Turns out I have about 6 copies I could spare and I thought of you guys in this forum since I always got positive feedback here plus valuable help to make my mixes better.
So, to the first 6 people that are interested and post in this thread I'll send a copy of the CD. Free of charge.

There's also a downloadable version of our demo (CD audio quality) here: CD/EscalationCD.rar

192Kbps mp3:

All the songs are also available in our myspace and facebook pages (links in my signature) for anyone that is interested to listen but doesn't want to bother with a 350mb download.
Dude, awesome music. I'll also download it, save you posting all the way to Aus.

Any chance of an mp3 download link? 192kb-ish? Cos I'll end up converting it to mp3 anyway (most non-audio people will, too, I'm betting).
Nice, thx for the release! I've downloaded it, but haven't really listened to it yet, will post back when I have. geia sou patrida!
This is pretty much all I listened to at work today.

Great, GREAT tunes. Reminds me very much of a band I idolized as a young teen called Hammersmyth. Used to play around the New England area in the late 80's early 90's.

Excellent stuff, thanks for sharing!
Kimon, holy shit dude - first off, I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to listening to this, but my god is it incredible - beautiful music, a *tolerable* singer (which is rare in the session singer world, see Andromeda's "Extension of the Wish" :ill: ), and you are a fucking phenomenal player man! I only started listening last night, so I can't nail down too many specific favorite moments or anything, but I do LOVE the acoustic solo'ing in "Transparent Walls" (though the acoustic guitars sound really bizarrely harsh or something, like piezo pickups run through an acoustic simulator, amirite? :D) But yeah, really extraordinary solo'ing work dude, I love it! :headbang: