Free Escalation demo CD.

However, I do feel the need to point out that in English, "Instrument of Cure"...doesn't really make any sense :D But fuck it, I've never been one to sweat the lyrics/titles, it's all about the music for me!
Kimon, holy shit dude - first off, I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to listening to this, but my god is it incredible - beautiful music, a *tolerable* singer (which is rare in the session singer world, see Andromeda's "Extension of the Wish" :ill: ), and you are a fucking phenomenal player man! I only started listening last night, so I can't nail down too many specific favorite moments or anything, but I do LOVE the acoustic solo'ing in "Transparent Walls" (though the acoustic guitars sound really bizarrely harsh or something, like piezo pickups run through an acoustic simulator, amirite? :D) But yeah, really extraordinary solo'ing work dude, I love it! :rock:

Thank you very much Marcus, I really appreciate it.
About the acoustic there's no piezo or acoustic simulator it's just the result of a combination of very VERY cheap acoustic/classic guitars, mics and mic preamps and a lot of post processing... :).
Yeah, I guess just too much boosting of the "crispness" frequencies IMO, but certainly not fatiguing or anything, and more importantly doesn't at all detract from the awesomeness of the music! :)

And in the above review, the guy mentions Threshold - I've never heard of 'em, are they any good?

Haha...until I've read that review I hadn't heard of them either... I listened to their 2 last albums, they're ok...kinda Shadow Gallery-ish... can't say I saw a lot of similarities with my songs though.

However, I do feel the need to point out that in English, "Instrument of Cure"...doesn't really make any sense :D But fuck it, I've never been one to sweat the lyrics/titles, it's all about the music for me!

Hmmm...that's worrying to tell you the truth. I wouldn't want to have lyrics that don't make sense...I really hope you're wrong about this :). I actually rely a lot on google searches when I write are some quotes:

The architecture of the hospital must be the agent and instrument of cure.
No matter how extensive and morbid, surgery was considered a noble enterprise; the scalpel was the instrument of cure, not of mutilation.
Swamiji's efforts to make music the instrument of cure for the body is essentially directed at the deeper, metaphysical aspects of human existence
"Throughout the process of therapy, the relationship is our main instrument of cure."
Hmm, I've never heard that expression before, but it makes enough sense in the context of those quotes that I guess it is valid, if a bit dated - I stand corrected! :D
And in the above review, the guy mentions Threshold - I've never heard of 'em, are they any good?

I wore their "Subsurface" album thee.fuck.out. back in 2004, but only dig one other song from the rest of their catalog. Their sound is sort of... well, like you gathered together the least flashy members of Symphony X, Dream Theater and Spock's Beard. Nothing special, just solid melodic rockin' with a touch of Bush-bashing between the lines.

If you've ever listened to Arjen Lucassen's Aryeon side project 'Star One', you know the male singer who isn't Dan Swano or Russell Allen? Threshold was his former (and future) band.
Haven't listened to it, but I will, and thanks for the rec! However, YOU should listen to Escalation immediately, if you haven't already! :rock:
If I can get my computer at home up and running again this weekend, I'll definitely download Escalation for a spin. :rock:

Meanwhile, here at work, I'm checking out YouTube clips from Subsurface, and jeez, I don't recall it sounding quite so late 80s AOR. I don't mind a little dated melodic cheese (see the 80s montage song thread) but YMMV. :goggly:
Keregioz I am interested if there is any cd item left. I am from Greece / Athens.
The songs are great and the sound perfect for the genre in my humble opinion.
Send me a pm.
I wore their "Subsurface" album thee.fuck.out. back in 2004, but only dig one other song from the rest of their catalog. Their sound is sort of... well, like you gathered together the least flashy members of Symphony X, Dream Theater and Spock's Beard.

Threshold is a great melodic/progressive metal band - "Dead Reconing", their latest is such a great album. They may be a bit too on the proggy side for some but I love listening to them as well as watching the "Critical Energy" DVD.

Last edited by a moderator: axe-fx was used.
It's mostly 5150. Except "Transparent Walls" which is revalver MKII and "Last Sunrise" which is 2 tracks 6505 and 2 revalver MKIII. PodXT was also used for cleans and some solos.

HAhaha fuck, really? I just cited this in another thread as an example of how good I thought the AxeFX sounded - whoops :D What cab did you run the 5150 through? Sounds great! Though I must admit, the crunch on the palm mutes (esp. in "Instrument of Cure") does sound slightly digital, which is what made me think it was the AxeFX (as well as you mentioning that it's pretty much all you use these days).
HAhaha fuck, really? I just cited this in another thread as an example of how good I thought the AxeFX sounded - whoops :D What cab did you run the 5150 through? Sounds great! Though I must admit, the crunch on the palm mutes (esp. in "Instrument of Cure") does sound slightly digital, which is what made me think it was the AxeFX (as well as you mentioning that it's pretty much all you use these days).

Uhmm...that wasn't me actually :). I've never played an axe-fx in my life.
Glenn Fricker (Oznimbus) reamped the guitars in instrument of cure, I don't remember 100% but I think it was a mesa recto cab. The main complain I have on that tone is that it was slightly muddy, but that was caused mostly by the JB pick up I had then.
Wait, seriously? Fuck, who could that have been...

EDIT: It was this post that I was thinking of, though you never mentioned Axe FX in it - don't quite know where I got that from! :goggly:
Keregioz, great sound and production!!! I love the music...great voice and melodies...
Thanks for sharing it...:)

What did you use for the drums?