Free stand alone VST host??


Jan 20, 2008
I just recently brought a new audio interface replacing a Toneport.

With the Toneport I could just use Gearbox to jam and play along with songs. Obviously with my Konnekt 6 I can't do this.

I have been using the Revalver III demo as a kind of VST host for the past few days but I am sick of the hissing and not being able to save and load presets so I was wondering if there is any free VST host applications where I can save and load presets??
Cheers man. I have actually started using reaper as my DAW over Cubase recently.

Its not exactly what I am looking for though. I just want a really small program which I can load up really quickly and load a preset.

It just seems strange using Reaper as this sort of thing. Maybe I'm just mental :goggly:

It's an alternative anyway. Thanks!
Yea, I seen VSTHost when I done a quick search.

I will have to download it to make sure but I think it only allows you to save presets for seperate Plug-ins and not overall. It's the same hastle as the Revalver Demo.

Thanks anyway.
Cheers guys.

For some reason Effectchainer doesn't work in VSTHost but it does actually save as a whole preset so its fine anyway :)
This is the best one I have found - while not free, it is only $30 if you decide to keep it as it is usable as a demo with nag screen until you purchase it. It has the following features:

MiniHost is a powerful and full-fledged ASIO host that loads a VST
plugin (instrument or effect) and processes it in realtime.

MiniHost has been voted by the members of the KVR audio
community as the best free host of the year 2004! Details of the
KVR survey can be found here.

It offers many features that other hosts don't have, for example:

- arpeggiator, step-sequencer, CC gater, chordmaker included

- send MIDI data to VST plugins from external MIDI inputs, a resizable virtual MIDI
keyboard, the computer keyboard or MIDI files

- process live ASIO audio input or a WAV file

- record audio output to WAV (16 and 32 bit)

- browse through the presets

- powerful preset manager included, allows easy organisation of all presets

- preset randomizer with script support and mutate option

- drag n' drop support

- support for VST MIDI plugins that generate MIDI data