From Iraq

Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City
I thought Id share an email my cousin sent me, he is stationed in Mosul right now. Four days ago his hummvee was hit by a IED and he was the lone survivor. Yesterday a suicide car bomber drove up and blew himself up right next to his humvee yet again, here is his account of what happened. The kid is only 19 and seeing some serious shit, I feel for our troops over in this shithole dealing with these coward muslim fucks.
-lots of army jargon in this too-

On 22 April 2006 at approximately 1300 hours my squad Enforcer 1-2 arrived at our Iraqi Police station Al Zhour. Enforcer 1-2 consists of Sgt. Holt (squad leader), Sgt. Gonzalez (Alpha team leader), I PFC Young (driver), PFC Gorrell (240 Bravo gunner), Sgt. Conover (Bravo team leader), PFC Ganziano (.50 cal gunner), CPL. Keeton (Charlie team leader), PFC Nadeau (driver), PFC Herman (.50 cal and MK19 gunner). IPLOs John Wise and Jason Bankston and interpreter Joseph. Sgt. Holt, Sgt Gonzalez, John Wise, Jason Bankston and Joseph went into the I.P. station to do daily checks . My M1114 was parked on Nissan facing north towards Nissan and Dremel intersection. My gunner PFC Gorrell was facing down north Nissan. Charlie team was in the ASV on the other side of the road adjacent to my M1114 pulling security on Nissan and Dremel as well. Bravo team was 10 meters behind Charlie team pulling security on Nissan. While at our I.P. station I noticed there wasnt as much traffic as there usually is on Nissan and Dremel intersection. At approximately 1500 hours there was one mortar round that landed ten meters northwest of my position, simultaneously we began to receive heavy small arms fire to our positions. I saw a red in color, four door car, unknown make or model heading at us at a high rate of speed. The I. N. G. began firing upon the car, my gunner PFC Gorrell took aim on the car as it crossed the Dremel and Nissan intersection. Time and circumstances did not permit him to fire a warning shot. PFC Gorrell fired upon the car, shooting the driver before it crossed the c-wire strung across the road approximately five meters in front of my vehicle. I climbed inside my truck as the vehicle came towards the c-wire. While closing the truck door I looked out of the driver side windshield and saw the driver of the red four door car laid upon the steering wheel bleeding and looked dead to me. As I pulled the door shut the VBIED went off. As the smoke cleared I grabbed the squad net radio mic and asked if everyone was ok. Not hearing any response I climbed out of the driver side door with my M-4 in hand. I maneuvered to the rear of my truck with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars all around me. I then proceeded to the passenger side of my M1114 where SPC Rice was pulling security moments before; he was now laying in the gutter bleeding from his face. PFC Gorrell was out of the turret and trying to climb out of the M1114 through the rear passenger door. I asked SPC Rice if he was ok and he said his legs and face hurt. I undid PFC Gorrells gunners safety belt and he fell out of the truck. I asked PFC Gorrell if he was ok and he said his hand was cut. I asked him if he was able to help me pull SPC. Rice back to the bunker were we could conduct a more thorough evaluation of his injuries. PFC Gorrell said he would try. We maneuvered SPC Rice during heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars back the bunker which was twenty-five meters to our rear. Sgt Gonzalez met us five meters away from our M1114 and took PFC Gorrells place pulling SPC Rice. Sgt Gonzalez lost grip of SPC Rice ten meters away from the bunker, he said hold on let me regrip him and I said I have him just cover us. I handed him SPC Rices M-4 and told him to pull cover for me while I pulled him on his back by the handle on the back of his IBA. Sgt Gonzalez maneuvered with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars up to the ASV, which at that time had driven forward in front of my M1114, due to the fire that engulfed its current position. I pulled SPC Rice back to the bunker with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars landing around us where Sgt Holt, John Wise, Jason Bankston, and Joseph were pulling security. I looked up and saw CPL Keeton, PFC Herman, and PFC Nadeau maneuver with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars towards the bunker and I. N. G. running towards the ASV to assist with the crew. Sgt Holt told me to go get PFC Ganizano out of the fire that was engulfing his M1114. I maneuvered with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars landing around me in a straight line from the bunker the to M1114 that was twenty meters away. I ran through the flames and climbed in his truck. I drove straight down Nissan south and turned around and headed back up to the fire fight. PFC Ganzino had P.I.D. on a building on the corner and returned fire with one hundred rounds of .50 cal. Sgt Holt came out and got on the radio with Enforcer main and sent up a Sitrep, while PFC Ganziano and I pulled security on the intersection. A Stryker element came up from the south of our position on Nissan heading north. Sgt Gonzalez maneuvered with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars out to Bravo teams truck and I left to load the injured on the medevac Stryker. I maneuvered with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars around the compound to the rear entrance and met PFC Herman. We maneuvered out the rear entrance to the medevac Stryker. I loaded him in and on my way out I saw SPC Rice on a stretcher. There were three US soldiers and one I. N. G, carrying him. The I. N. G. could not hold him and he dropped his handle. SPC Rice fell off and I maneuvered over to help load him back on and carry him to the Stryker with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars. We got him over to the Stryker and I said 1,2,3 drop. I maneuvered with heavy small arms fire, RPGs and mortars back up to the bunker. I met up with Sgt Holt who told me to get Joseph and check on the I. N. G. inside the I.P. station. We went in and didnt find anyone who wasnt already treated by other I. N. G. We then ran out and met up with Sgt Holt at the bunker. Sgt Gonzalez drove Bravo teams HMMWV over to the bunker. Sgt Conover, Sgt Gonzalez, PFC Nadeau and I began to pull sensitive items out of the M1114 and ASV and load them into Bravo teams M1114. Enforcer 3-1 got there and said they would tow the M1114 back to FOB Marez. They asked if we had a tow-bar, I said on top of the ASV. I ran up to the ASV, climbed up the tire and cut the straps that held it and drug it off and drug it over to my M1114. The Strykers and Enforcer 1-1, 2-1, 3-1 and Strike 1-3 along with War Machine and EOD were pulling security on our position. The wrecker and a flatbed came out to recover the M1114 and ASV. Once both trucks were loaded up and ready to go we proceeded to move out back to FOB Marez. Once at FOB Marez I was taken over to the CSH on LSA Diamondback to be checked out for injuries. I was released that night with minor effects of a concussion and loss of hearing to my left ear and a burn on my back.
Yep, blowing yourself up, definitely a cowardly act, as opposed to firing cruise missiles from 10 miles away.

Anyway I support our troops, which is why I want them to stay over there for a few more years.