Fuck bedroom black metal!

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Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
I'm fucking sick of it. Worthless kids who think they can write black metal in their bedrooms. It does no good for anyone, the scene, the fans, and it does horrible damage to MY FUCKING EARS.

Destroy your crappy 'kvlt' demo, and kill yourselves.
haha, Black Metal. All BM bands today should quit the kvlt shit and aspire to be Metal as Fvck like Grand Belial's Key, Megiddo, or Deathspell Omega.
fotmbm said:
I don't think any of those bands try to be either "kvlt" or "metal as fvck" and somehow they are both and also great.

The bands I listed? I didn't say they try, they just are. The have the ballsy riffwork, the doomy/deathy arrangements and the bleak and evil atmosphere in the bag.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
As in...Xasthur and the like?
Nah, I mean kids with too much time on their hands, who pirate a copy of Cool Edit Pro and record an ultra raw demo between the time when they come home from school, and when their parents get home from work.
There sure are a lot of shitty black metal bands out there. It sucks, because it makes it harder to find the good ultra underground bands (like Mjolnir, Art Inferno, Belmez, etc.). I've checked out many such bands, only to be disappointed. I'll just stick to Moonblood, Graveland, Nokturnal Mortum, etc.
Decadent said:
Nah, I mean kids with too much time on their hands, who pirate a copy of Cool Edit Pro and record an ultra raw demo between the time when they come home from school, and when their parents get home from work.

Every artist must start somewhere.
would you prefer they buy hands on recording gear? whats wrong with recording some riffs and ideas?

is it just black metal or do you wish kids stop using cool edit pro and recording anything?
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