Fuck yeah, I love snow!

I don't even know if we're supposed to get any, but I hope we don't, and if we do I hope it's just a little bit. It's not that I don't like snow, but I've got shit to do and I'd rather not have to deal with snow until after Christmas.
:lol: You would be so much happier if you died wouldn't you?

Look buddy, I'm a desert dweller so anything associated with cold weather really bugs me. I mean, I can't even fucking handle the weather right now and it's not even that cold. But I will say that snow-covered forests are definitely visually pleasing. They look pretty fucking majestic when I see them on my black metal cds.
All the people who live in warm climates only see snow in department store catalogs. Snow isn't fluffy cotton. It's entertaining for half a minute. Then it's cold, wet, headache inducing and messy.
We only get snow up in the mountains to the north and in Jerusalem. Snow rules.Snowy landscapes are very relaxing to merely observe, for me at least.
It's prefectly chilly right now where I live, even without snow, so it feels great.
It's always great to pay 50$ a month for parking (at work) and find out this morning that it wasn't plowed which made me park somewhere else for 10$.
No snow here, but I had to drop my car off to be repaired at this place over in Jersey, and there were all these cars coming down 179 all covered in snow. So, apparently it would seem that A.) It snowed fairly heavily not too far from here, which makes me wonder why we got gyped out of it, and B.) The Jersey drivers are too stupid / lazy to clean the snow off their cars.
Since my camera is too dead, my friend took pictures of the after-snow storm with her camera.

