
omg i wanna have a gf..i have so much love to give..i just want to hug her and go hand in hand and kiss and make love while i see her in the eyes and say I love You..and the nwe could cry while seeing goodzilla together..its so sad when they try to kill godzilla :( why ..why!?
Me and my ex broke up 6 months ago and it left deep wounds on me. I loved that girl like more than anyone could love anyone in this world. I was 'this =' close to dying because of it. She had sworn her love to me.. but she fucked up everything, and the only thing that comforts me is that why mourn over someone who didn't really love you.. Hard. Especially for an emo like me.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Me and my ex broke up 6 months ago and it left deep wounds on me. I loved that girl like more than anyone could love anyone in this world. I was 'this =' close to dying because of it. She had sworn her love to me.. but she fucked up everything, and the only thing that comforts me is that why mourn over someone who didn't really love you.. Hard. Especially for an emo like me.
sucks man
I could never have imagined it would be possible to feel so strongly towards another person. Then, think about the moment you realize you're gonna fucking die of agony unless you consciously try to kill those feelings and deny the importance of that person. I found myself several times in the gutters having drunk way over my limits. And the highlight was I ran and flew in these big stairs and landed heavy on my face 4 meters below. X-Rays here and there, poisoning treatment, oh yeah and a broken heart. That's what girls can do to you.
HauknessX said:
you need to realize the awesomeness of other things besides women whos vaginas smell like brook trout. you need to get in your car, blast some falkenbach or something epic then drive to a forest at night. the deepest darkest most bamf forest you can find. then walk around for a couple hours and ponder. eventually your instincts wil adapt to the atmosphere and youll be thinking about coyotes and ghosts and other cool shit. then when you get back to civilization you will feel powerful because youll feel so overly safe. and no flashlights dammit.
:lol: @ this too, btw :p
HauknessX said:
you need to realize the awesomeness of other things besides women whos vaginas smell like brook trout. you need to get in your car, blast some falkenbach or something epic then drive to a forest at night. the deepest darkest most bamf forest you can find. then walk around for a couple hours and ponder. eventually your instincts wil adapt to the atmosphere and youll be thinking about coyotes and ghosts and other cool shit. then when you get back to civilization you will feel powerful because youll feel so overly safe. and no flashlights dammit.
:lol: best advice yet.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Me and my ex broke up 6 months ago and it left deep wounds on me. I loved that girl like more than anyone could love anyone in this world. I was 'this =' close to dying because of it. She had sworn her love to me.. but she fucked up everything, and the only thing that comforts me is that why mourn over someone who didn't really love you.. Hard. Especially for an emo like me.
she already has a pussy, she dont need another one.
You can suck my dick

oh sorry, I don't have a dick, so you can kiss my ass

That girl is a living example of how to fuck up your own life, and that of others..
naaa you wont, it will happen way faster till you'll see the next nice looking gal and develop dependency to her