Fuckin' Chicks

- everyone is crazy, it's just how much crazy you can deal with - the lurch

This is actual truth. Listen to the lurch, folks.

Regarding the chicks POV...yeah, I'm waiting to hear it, but it probably will never happen.
i am just going to leave with the few things I go back to when turmoil arises

- everyone is selfish - the lurch
- everyone is crazy, it's just how much crazy you can deal with - the lurch
- in one ear, out the other - my stepfather
- you just have to let some shit slide - Chris Rock

now let's hear it from the chicks POV.

Hey confidant, remember my ex-bint who I went on an fb tirade over a couple years back? Well this bint has the audacity, after I told her to fuck off (inferred in the utmost kindest fashion) to send me a loving email to rekindle a friendship that was as ephemeral as Moose's fap sessions to Mauryleeeeen. Ex-friends, Ex-Co-Workers, Ex-Hyphenated-Hymens, you're no longer in a person's life for a reason, stifle, and get the fuck up down the road all ready!

"I only wonder what type of man you've become. Do you find it in your heart to maybe, just every now and then, share your hopes and dreams with me? There's no reason why we can't stay in touch."

Stupid fucking sow! I delved a little deeper to find a motive, and after brief research on some asinine blog in which shes shares her inner most vapid thoughts, that the "love of her life v.6" had "left her in despair". F.O.A.D

"A woman needs a man's shoulder, just as much as a man needs a woman's vunt." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
what the heck? I'm being dead serious when I ask: are these girls in high school?

hahahaha. hey want some candy little girl?

ages range from 18-27. mostly early to mid 20's tho.

Define jealousy and craziness. Are you saying they want you after you've been intimate with them? Or they get just the opposite?

Side effects include: illusions of a relationship, crying, yelling, swearing, following you to a favorite watering hole to keep tabs, trying to befriend your friends and attempting to alienate you in your own circle of friends, dropping by at your house unannounced, attempting to befriend girls you're courting and talking shit(!!!).
but really now that I have a kid, the first thing you really have to teach them as they all seem to have it as a "born with instinct" is to share and not be freaking out when things don't go their way.

any other parents want to confirm this?!?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha especially the "cool on the internet" part haha cant stop laughing at that

look, Alina, you're a chick, and a really good-looking one - you should be calling all the shots in your romantic life. Start dating up instead of down. Frankly, it sounds like you date fucking losers. I know there are chicks who don't like traditionally "hot" guys and maybe you're one of them. Maybe you like the artsy-fartsy types who think things like being healthy and having a job are so bourgoise but that shit is no longer funny when they have to move back in with their parents. I dont know whatcha like but there is a middle ground of good looking dudes who hold professional jobs and have little interest in "hooking-up". But, because men are generally dumb to begin with, it takes awhile to figure themselves out and that's why you need to date dudes who are older than you.

Yeah, as sad as it may sound I've met all my serious relationship partners over the Internet - messanger, local forums etc.

And I wouldn't say I date losers, no. These stories of my life were attenting to me mostly when I was younger, now it's just a bit different, I think. And I haven't been on the Internet-guy-date for ages, which I find pretty good. And you're right, I'm not into "all cool macho guys", I like the middle ground, as you've mentioned, too. It's just that i'm pretty picky about the guy I'm dating. I'll explain - I might feel symphathy or have some feelings for guys, but I'd rather be alone if I don't have enough of those feeling to LOVE that guy. I'm not interested in dating that considers just having common ineterests, being cute\sexy, etc - I have friends for that stuff (well, minus the sexy part eh). I don't want to waste my time and myself - sleeping with somebody I just slightly like, too (which pretty much is a good reason to enclose myself from relationships where I don't like my partner too much, as I doub't that a normal guy would be buying something like "ah, you know, i think it's not a time yet" for too long, considering I'm 25 and all...). . I mostly have to love (or feel something that might cause love in the future) to date somebody. Before my latest relationships I was single for 3 years and that's when I met those types of guys that I was describing in my previous drama-post, too.
I agree with you about the "older guys" thing though. I've always liked guys who were older than me, and even 10-15 years difference wouldn't be a problem for me - if I deal with this person well. Yet life and love don't always follow our plans and standarts.
you sound exactly like one my old friends/bed buddies :loco:
she had same thoughts as well and ended up marrying a guy about 15 years older than her.
Ok, someone explain this shit to me.

You know that chick I was dating and then started dating her ex (we'll call her E)? Well she's now engaged, and whatever, I don't give a fuck about that, but I still want to be friends with her. So we've been friends for about 2 months now, and she's a good friend. However, I went on a date on Tuesday with some chick (call her A). And I was talking to the E about A, and she was helping me and giving advice. So Thursday I sent A a text and ask to go for dinner, and she wants to. I ask for sushi because she had previously told me she loves sushi. I tell this to E, and she instantly gets pissed at me. Apparently, me asking A for sushi ruins what we did earlier on because I took her out for sushi on our first few dates. I also happened to be going to a sushi place I went previously with E and this is because A suggested that place.

Seriously. What the fuck is going on. All I do is take a chick out to get some sushi, and a friend who said she was 100% over me (I'm definitely not over her, but trying to move on) is pissed at me because now I'm making what we had before less special. I honestly don't understand at all.
what ken said ... then laugh hysterically and take a shot of whiskey. there, it's all better now.
You know that chick I was dating and then started dating her ex

You're dating her ex boyfriend?

Seriously, tell E to go F herself in the A. Keep seeing this new chick, ignore the other one if at all possible. "Your indifference to the waitress will only make you more attractive to her." It's one thing to catch a bunch of bullshit because you think you may get pussy; it's another thing to catch it for no fucking reason whatsoever.