Fuckin' Chicks

She's probably dating those dudes in those pics who were bare assing each other around the camp fire. Yea, I doubt any of those lads could scrounge up enough change for a cup of Joe.

Alina should be dating a chemical engineer, somebody who is going places. :dopey:

hahahahahaha those guys are exactly who I picture when I (jealously) think of who Alina dates

lol...Brandon...when is dude going to be done with his PhD anyway? We should place bets on whether he goes back for another degree after that :tickled:
guys, who are all cool on the Internet/phone/sms - ....
- guys who for some reason think that you've been waiting for them all your life and act like sex-machines

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha especially the "cool on the internet" part haha cant stop laughing at that

look, Alina, you're a chick, and a really good-looking one - you should be calling all the shots in your romantic life. Start dating up instead of down. Frankly, it sounds like you date fucking losers. I know there are chicks who don't like traditionally "hot" guys and maybe you're one of them. Maybe you like the artsy-fartsy types who think things like being healthy and having a job are so bourgoise but that shit is no longer funny when they have to move back in with their parents. I dont know whatcha like but there is a middle ground of good looking dudes who hold professional jobs and have little interest in "hooking-up". But, because men are generally dumb to begin with, it takes awhile to figure themselves out and that's why you need to date dudes who are older than you.
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greatest advice disguised as a pickup line :loco: (but Miller is right all kidding aside)

I think Alina is in full control though from the sounds of these dates, its just she chooses these winners on purpose.
Well, Alina, if you take the advice to close to heart and become to 'in control' you will become the crazy gal that the dude posts about on a metal forum, haha!
greatest advice disguised as a pickup line :loco: (but Miller is right all kidding aside)

I think Alina is in full control though from the sounds of these dates, its just she chooses these winners on purpose.

hahaha yeah, I should've said something like, "and the exact age of dude you should date is 34 and he should be American and have two kids already, etc etc."

Seriously though, I second you on her "choosing these winners on purpose"
But, because men are generally dumb to begin with, it takes awhile to figure themselves out

this is true but once we do we see through all types of bullshit and by then the lady might have missed her chance be her conniving self.
Well I said I'm getting the D, didn't I? Haha. I'm not complaining about that to much, as I said we are still pals and stuff. Just aint workin'.

ha yeah, I was actually going to edit that into my post but got too lazy.

Sorry it didn't work out.
hahahahahaha those guys are exactly who I picture when I (jealously) think of who Alina dates

lol...Brandon...when is dude going to be done with his PhD anyway? We should place bets on whether he goes back for another degree after that :tickled:

Hey now, PhD programs or Chemical Engineers are 5-6 years long, and I've only been going for just over a year.

Also, the only thing I'd ever go for is a Post-Doc position, I don't think I could get another PhD in anything except Chemistry or Physics and that shit would be just as hard to get in as Chemical Engineering.

I do like "Fuckin' Chicks" though...
Hmm...I don't know, mate. I think women overall are much more mature than we dudes are at least after a certain age range. I think I said earlier that I don't know any chicks that would date a younger guy - most women are well aware of our shortcomings. I'm generalizing here, of course. I think Aurel said it best when he said people, on average, are only out for themselves. From an evolutionary standpoint, I think people are always on the lookout for something "better" whether they know it or not; the only thing that keeps them in check, whether married or not, is a sense of conviction. And I think women are less likely to behave in such a manner. I may be completely wrong, in fact, given my history and conversations with tons of female friends, I probably am. However, I have to wonder what exactly causes all the misogyny in this thread. No one ever really gave any official accounts. Did these chicks cheat? Play games? Are they just stupid? It'd be interesting to know.
women I think are always torn between that bastard and the one that will be a good provider and father.

come to think of it men too ... madonna or whore.

but yeah I stand behind the mankind is selfish statement ... we just are.
Hmm...I don't know, mate.

dude, you're from Kentucky or whatever? what's with the "mate?"

I think women overall are much more mature than we dudes are at least after a certain age range. I think I said earlier that I don't know any chicks that would date a younger guy - most women are well aware of our shortcomings. I'm generalizing here, of course. I think Aurel said it best when he said people, on average, are only out for themselves. From an evolutionary standpoint, I think people are always on the lookout for something "better" whether they know it or not; the only thing that keeps them in check, whether married or not, is a sense of conviction. And I think women are less likely to behave in such a manner. I may be completely wrong, in fact, given my history and conversations with tons of female friends, I probably am. However, I have to wonder what exactly causes all the misogyny in this thread. No one ever really gave any official accounts. Did these chicks cheat? Play games? Are they just stupid? It'd be interesting to know.

i never did try to refute your statement about guys being dumb. guys are dumb as hell and i'm included i guess. but they're predictable. female psychology is a rubix cube of daddy didn't love me enough, self esteem levels and big benjamin ticking away.

i would say on a whole, women are just more inconsistent in regards to what they want.

men --> want pussy and beer
women --> varies with every girl i meet/meat

misogyny is a pretty strong word. i don't think that's an accurate description here.
female psychology is a rubix cube of daddy didn't love me enough, self esteem levels and big benjamin ticking away.

oh forgot to factor in a fucked up, overbearing religious dogma from the age of, oh say, five that tells everyone to "save" yourself until "marriage."
