Fuckin' Chicks

The Nirvana boxset just showed up at my door. Life is good.

"Who needs money when we got feathers!?"
i have no idea, just this thread came up when I was searching for the comedians one :loco:

the title made it sounds like there would be some good funnies.
i mean, i met this woman a few weekends ago, that managed to literally jump on my lap and dry hump me in the middle of a club while we have an audience watching ... then asked me if I watched Sex and the City ... when i answered, "Yes ... I might have seen a few episodes" ... she goes ... "you are like Mr. Big" ... but then she dissapeared and never saw her again.

same thing here! went out with this girl recently for the first time and we hit it off. she even admitted it was the best date she's been on in a long time! at the end of the night we start making out and things get close to getting too hot and heavy and we both decide to stop.

try texting her later in the week and guess who won't return my text.

i just assume she got cancer and died. *crosses fingers*

Haha, this theard is marvellous! :D
It's really interesting to read your opinions bout women, guys.
I have to agree that lots of chicks today are sluts and use guys only for money or for feeding their self esteem. I can see the real problem of finding the right chick, as like 60% of modern developed women smoke and drink like horses and maybe are fine for one night stand but not for building a life with.
Yet, trust me - normal women have kinda the same problem.
I consider myself a normal woman, so here are two popular kinds of guys I had to deal with:
- guys, who are all cool on the Internet/phone/sms - yet when you meet irl they don't dare to look into your eyes and mumble some senile rubbish, so it's me talking all the time or when I get absolutely bored - we're just walking around looking at beautiful sights of the city that I live all my life in :) especially when it's -15C outside and my ass is freezing its ass out, he won't even offer you to go somewhere to have a coffee cuz most likely he doesn't have money for that or thinks that i'm going to order all the points of menu. Yet I'm sometimes being too modest/polite to tell a man that I'd like to go somewhere and have a coffe (and that it's fine for me to pay for both of us), so I'm going home with an ice in my bladder after a 4 hours walk through the winter city. And when he asks me out next time and I say that I'm too busy/sick/ or just not interested - he says that I'm a bitch for turning down such a romantic person, he also doesn't forget to tell that to all our common friends.
- guys who for some reason think that you've been waiting for them all your life and act like sex-machines who know everything about women even that a neck of womb looks like a tip of a penis. And after like first 2 hours of your first date they are offering you sex and when you kindly say "fuck off" they are like: ".....but................... why?..... :cry: ". So when you understand that he's not really your type of guy and you're trying to tell him that you like him but have not enough of feeling for serious relationships - he still doesn't give up and keeps on bugging you and trying to get you in any way he can. I'm a polite person (yes...) and don't usually turn a guy down in a rude way but try to explain everything kindly and so he understands my point, sometimes I offer then to be friends or so. Unfortunately they only take the kind way of explaining as you giving them a chance (!) So they won't calm down again and bother bother bother you... And when you're absolutely sick of it all and tell them to fuck off in a rude way - they are whining that you're such a bitch for giving them a chance and then turning them down in such a rude way. And of course they don't forget to tell about how bitchy I am to all our common friends...
I still do believe in men though :tickled:
Sorry for such a big post.
hahah, longest post in Alina history.

as for me, I don't remember most of the stories I posted about here. those were some real drunk years.
HAHAHAHAHAHA omg, Alina's post....best thing ever
I can't wait to have some time to read some more of this ancient thread...

advice pending

Woman are the worst.

This dude is getting the big D.

Though I say they are the worst we are still pals, haha. THEY ARE CRAZY THOUGH YEA?!
and Miller, Alina is looking for some place warm for her kidneys. Nashville is rather balmy year round no?

lol at her frozen bladder comment.
Dude, Alina would have nothing to do with me...handsome, athletic, well-groomed - not her type at all :loco:
yeah but you have money and shelter and you can certainly "wait" :lol:

don't usually turn a guy down in a rude way but try to explain everything kindly and so he understands my point, sometimes I offer then to be friends or so.

you will make a great mother. :loco:
hhehhah yeah, move up 5 years or so. but I bet she finds anyone remotely older than her creepy. :loco:

but that bit about Ukranian chicks going after money and stuff ... well, I can introduce you to a half a dozen right now here that are waiting for a sugar daddy.
they look great and would make great arm candy, but man ... they reek of obviousness.
haha! indeed.

Something tells me little Alina is dating dudes who are her age or younger. Time to move on up!

She's probably dating those dudes in those pics who were bare assing each other around the camp fire. Yea, I doubt any of those lads could scrounge up enough change for a cup of Joe.

Alina should be dating a chemical engineer, somebody who is going places. :dopey: