Fuckin' Chicks

He called to make his presence known, no threats. If threats were made the lynching would've been over by now. :Smokedev: Either way it was a fucking tacky move and I have no time for that kind of crap.

Speaking of dumb women, my bro is going through some shit right now. His chick moved in with him about two months ago but is moving back out again because she has to "live out her dream" in LA as an actress. What is stupid is that she lived in LA for about a year and didn't do shit towards the dream, and now that she knows she's happier living with him instead of out in LA, she's moving out tomorrow anyhow. Fuckin' indecisive chicks man.

Also I just ate that Canadian bacon and GOD DAMN was it good.
Just read through this whole thread, holy balls it rules. Points:

1) The jokes contained within are AMAZING.

2) I had forgotten that our own Transylvanian Legend used his Negura Bunget powers to get laid before. :loco:

3) Apparently I've let this one chick put me through some shit and I'm a bit disappointed in myself for letting that happen.

4) Why can't chicks in life be like the chicks in this thread? Every female post in this thread made so much damn sense and would help the world run much easier.
Yeah but it worked once. You could trade in every metal item you own for Barry Manilow posters and still be Fawkin' Metal for that achievement. :loco:
oddly enought chicks i meet nowadays are somewhat perplexed about my liking metal .. and they seem to like it in some wierd way. I am sure they would not feel the same way if I dressed the part though.

also I am legend in my own right at making good dance music mix CD's ... last weeks halloween party, I suppiled the music and none of it was metal ... altough i had the urge to throw some Obituary in the mix :D

some chicks are cool like that and can get lost in certain moods that some metal discs create ... others just dismiss it as drivel.
I'm so jaded I don't even care about pussy right now. I got laid at least a thousand times last year so I figure I can go the next 5 years dry as a bone without too much trouble.

Fuck bitches. I was 99% sure I found the one girl that wasn't like the others but peek-a-boo I WAS WRONG.

just when you think you got the right one ... they always turn around and fuck you over ... and in my case ... do some really fucking selfish shit.

i do need some ass bad now ...

i fear for the next chick you will go out with Nad ... she will receive all the wrath that this one created ...

Seriously, are there any chicks out there that are willing to have fun with a dude, like ONE dude like maybe me, that aren't, you know, easy?

are you shitting me ... i have 5 numbers at my disposal these days. some nice ladies, but I cannot find one that is compatible.
i honestly don't know what women are looking for in men anymore ... because the dream of the knight in shinning armor is that ... just a dream.

i mean, i met this woman a few weekends ago, that managed to literally jump on my lap and dry hump me in the middle of a club while we have an audience watching ... then asked me if I watched Sex and the City ... when i answered, "Yes ... I might have seen a few episodes" ... she goes ... "you are like Mr. Big" ... but then she dissapeared and never saw her again.

NY women are the devil's child ...
haha I'm such a bitch sometimes. What the fuck was I talking about 20 minutes ago!?

I just want some bitch to give me some skull. The last bitch did, but she was fat so I've done my best to ignore her for a few weeks now. :loco:
I think I will be single forever, by choice really ... relationships seem such selfish things ... at least the people I meet anyway ... everyone is out for their own benefit, emotinally, financially, mentally ... and really could not give too shits deep down about the other person. i am guilty of it to a certain extent also ... everyone wants to be liked / loved ... but it seems the reciprocation is not genuine.

i am so exhausted mentally and physically with trying to find someone compatible ...
Alright, one little hiccup yesterday and now I'm free from women. Ex-girlfriend and I just talked for the first time in 3 months, she wants to be friends or some bullshit, I told her, like the master Martin Lawrence before me, "GET TA STEPPIN!" Trying to win back some bitch for months and she has her new boyfriend call me, now she wants to be buddies? F that, F that right in the A.

To prove I'm not heartless this is exactly how I feel right now: :ill:
Nah, I didn't really want to so I only joked about it a few times. She probably wouldn't have let me anyhow.

My stance on it is I'm not even really curious, I'd only do it if the chick wanted it.