Fuckin' Chicks

Well, I can say that I never try to fit it in because it just would not work...I am just a geek.. :) I think certain guys and girls alike try too hard to impress other people, that is why I don't go out too much. People don't seem to appreciate "real" people. I actually think i am too nice to guys i date and that is why i end up hurt - they like girls who play games and treat them like dirt.
Well, I believe too many girls and guys try too hard to fit in with a certain "crowd". I always seem to be the big geek for some reason. I always get hurt with guys and I think it is because I am too nice and different. I am beginning to think that guys want to be treated like dirt and to play games and I just don't fit that description.
Bump. No specifics, just :mad: and maybe a little o_O with some :zombie: on the side. Fuckin' chicks.
last night I left the HOM show early to hook up with this bird ... that I ended up dancing with all night to some gay 80's NY Freestyle Dance tracks ... rubbing her ass on me ... basically begging me to nail her on the dance floor ... then when I get to my home ... she gets a "conscience" attack ... and wants to go home ... WTF? ended up talking to her about trivial shit till 6AM ...until she basically bored me to sleep ... then woke me up ... and made me drive her ass home ...

and I missed the end of the HOM show for this ...

Chick #1 is my only close female friend so I didn't expect anything (although we've been known to... indulge on rare occasion :Smokedev: ), chick #2 was the second date with a girl that I'm trying to kill time with before chick #3, the ex-girlfriend that I love, decides to take me back or not. That last one is a weird situation, she's currently asleep in my bed.
Chick #1 is my only close female friend so I didn't expect anything (although we've been known to... indulge on rare occasion :Smokedev: ), chick #2 was the second date with a girl that I'm trying to kill time with before chick #3, the ex-girlfriend that I love, decides to take me back or not. That last one is a weird situation, she's currently asleep in my bed.
you're fucked my friend ... oddly enough I am in a similar situation ... except my option #3 is in Eastern Europe asleep in her new husbands bed ... hahahah
Whoa, cross that one off the list. Well, at least anything permanent with her, that could be a good thing though. :loco:

Yeah I'm really screwed now, I was getting laid up until a few weeks ago, now I'm not but the chicks are still around. I really am gay!
lurch70 said:
last night I left the HOM show early to hook up with this bird ... that I ended up dancing with all night to some gay 80's NY Freestyle Dance tracks ... rubbing her ass on me ... basically begging me to nail her on the dance floor ... then when I get to my home ... she gets a "conscience" attack ... and wants to go home ... WTF? ended up talking to her about trivial shit till 6AM ...until she basically bored me to sleep ... then woke me up ... and made me drive her ass home ...

and I missed the end of the HOM show for this ...
Should have played her some Negurã Bunget.
Yeah chicks are fucked up. and believe me, I'm a chick I know.
You wanna know how a chick thinks?
the basic rule:
You guys see everything in Black and white
we see grays. lotsa lotsa grays. sometimes we even have gray areas for the gray areas.
and the thing is: those gray areas make sense only to us, and we act surprise when no one understands those grays with us.

what did I tell you? Fucked up.

I hate girls who will play games. that girl on the dance floor that danced like that with you- I can see where she is coming from, (totally a gray area where she thinks she can just DANCE and thats it) but you- Lutch70, you saw the black and white:
"wow she dances like that- she wants me"
I hate girls like that, because she should know what she is getting herself into.
you just cannot dance like that with a guy and think that he will not have expectations.

I hope you all meet a "normal" girl that doesnt like to play games one day.

til then, make sure no potential female you want to date with, see this thread.
Just a short time ago I got yelled at like never before by chick #3 WOO!!!!!! :loco: :erk:

I need to go to Mexico to go find me some hourly wenches. :kickass: