Fuckin' Chicks

I'd like to see if ChaosLee's game is really what he claims. I'd venture if the two of us went out I'd have better game and get more women, without question.
Not much of a game. I put minimal effort, honestly. Lucky may be the best assessment of how it works for me. Suspect if I actually tried and made a plan it would be comical at best
Well, sort of goes back to the days under my old handle (Necromunchkin) and many a various drunken anecdotes. I'm just here to give lurch his requested tales of lurid bachelor living, figure an occasional visual will help with the narrative.
I'd like to see if ChaosLee's game is really what he claims. I'd venture if the two of us went out I'd have better game and get more women, without question.

An obvious ploy to become Lee's wing man in order to scrape up some trollop leave-ins. Get on the waiting list lad, you do not realize how many acquaintances/co-workers are in line to go bar hopping with this gent. When Lee walks in to a bar, women build vag dams out of cross layered kotex, No Hands, the involuntary keggling effect set off by his rugged Ray Liotta like good looks creates a clitoral origami fold on the pad, holding the flood of feminine longing at bay until further protection can be procured.
So in the last week or so I've managed to fall fairly hard for a chick. She is clearly into me. This is not in doubt. Last night, she proceeds to "buy me a drink" (she works at a local bar/restaurant but was off) and the conversation turns to marriage and the future and stuff. At this point, I discover:

1) She is engaged (to a military dude currently in Japan), and
2) Is moving to London in five days.

So clearly I'm going to try to nail her first. She seems like she might be into it (her attraction is obvious), but she's a good girl. Even so, there is always the chance that she is DTF before she skips town/gets hitched.

MY QUESTION IS: How should I go about this? I don't want to be too forward with my intentions--at the risk of looking like an asshole and totally blowing it. What's my play here?

Lee? Dorian?
I'd say fap and forget, the fiance may be of the Tully type. In which case your pencil pushing ass may end up eating sirloin through a straw come the conclusion of his tour.
Tell her you want to fuck her.


Ask her for dinner/drinks. Go somewhere people won't recognize her/you. Focus on her, make the first move.
Dunno, that's never really happened to me before. I came in 3rd place on trivia night, and won no prize. She came up to me and said my prize was her buying me a drink. We sat at the bar. I ordered a beer. She did not drink.

Think I may actually be a man about this and pretend I have morals. The ball is sorta in her court here. If it seems like she is down for real, though, I will have a hard time turning it down...
IOW I think she will let me know one way or another, through eye/body language or actually asking me over. She's made it known that she wants to see me again before she goes, so...