Fuckin' Chicks

I remember I was with this girl my third year in college who spit. after I fired my howitzer into her mouth the first time there was this comical scampering into bathroom and a big sploosh as she spittooned my seed into the toilet. Followed by the rinsing and gargling of Scope. She then grumbled at me for, and I quote "having way too much cum for her mouth."

The second time it happened she was drunk and fell down twice getting to the bathroom and ended up swallowing half and then drooling the rest on the floor. I was laughing so hard she stopped talking to me for the rest of the night.
Probably the funniest was... I got involved with her because she'd just broken up with her boyfriend who randomly went and joined the Navy. Didn't want a serious relationship as she'd been with this douche (his name was Shaawn. Yes, spelled with two As) for a couple years and wanted to be wild and free. So it was pretty much sex, drinking and sex. He was still calling her etc., she said he was hoping to get back together.

Long story short, she hadn't actually broken up with him, she was just boinking me on the side. I found this out when I was just about to start pounding her on her couch (blinds wide open) and looked up to see him staring at us through the window, shocked and enraged. He'd gone AWOL and hitchhiked all night to come back and tell her he loved her.

Scene = Grope, strip unzip, pause... "So, just out of curiosity, does Shaawn have dark hair, is about 5'10" and has a stupid Donald Duck tattoo on his forearm?"
Breathless response- "yeah" huff huff "how did you know that?"
"Oh, because he's staring at us"