Fuckin' Chicks

Well, I officially dun goofed with the girl I was nailing. Apparently they don't like it much when you ignore them for a week :lol:
hahahahahahaha wow. I love you Sirloin, but that shit made me Muttley laugh.

I'm ignoring my wife and posting ad nauseum on RC. She'll probably get a little miffed.

Fuckin' Chicks
Well, you don't get bitches if you treat them like this guy:




I always assumed that 91 freeway thing was a joke. You know, her saying "fuck my life" because someone else was killed and her existence would be slightly inconvenienced, briefly, and then that dude mocked her accordingly. But perhaps I have a greater hope for humanity than it truly deserves. And I do look for The Funny whenever possible.

Although if they are both being serious, what with her "problem" and his actual desperation, well then shit my friends, I think I found that Funny I was looking for after all.
It's definitely real. Here's the original thread, from another forum. (I don't actually post there, but it's become kind of a meme.) For a while, they thought the White Knight was a fake account/troll, but it turns out he's really some geek blogger who hits on hotties on Facebook.

Another fail. Pay attention to the timing of the messages. :lol:

When Myspork was coming around I used to accept/add/fold whatever wannabe models/skanks were trying to get into my numbers game, and then I would send them messages thanking them for the add and also asking if they had any interest in meeting at the library sometime or perhaps catching an exhibit at the Getty. They never responded, so I'd just delete them a week later. I found that amusing.

Actually whatshername, ummm that one porno chick who looked a bug but claimed to be Asian? She wrote back, so I kept her on my list. Nautica Thorn, that's her. I didn't ask her out, but I think she was possibly the only actual human being I encountered on there. Or it was that one dude Jerry works with, pretending to be a porn queen.
Welp, it is now almost 12:25 AM, and my husband has been playing Borderlands 2 since 9:00 this morning, not counting the two hours that we were out on the town, as well as the five minutes he just took to nail me & prematurely 'splode his load all over me. I'm a bit irked and unsatisfied. Fuckin' guys and their vidya games. :bah: