Fuckin' Chicks

who are you and what have you done to Cara?

I've been forcing showers for a good while. :lol:

I used to literally drag him out of bed by his ankles in the mornings. There was one morning that we had something to do and he wouldn't get up, so I dragged him all the way to the front door and left him lying halfway out the front door. In his underwear. :lol: :lol:

Now I just lure him out of bed with food, which usually works.
I'm 27 and I still don't understand why in the FUCK anyone would want to get married. Is it a security thing? Fear of dying alone? To have kids? "Sharing"? I can't understand why anyone would commit to fucking only ONE MORE VAGINA for the rest of their life! (dorian, don't respond)
I only got married because I wanted a cool ring. Turns out I also really enjoy having a wife, who knew?
I thought for the longest time that I didn't want to get married. Turns out I just hadn't met the right person for it yet. In spite of occasional aggravations like Borderlands 2 (lol), marriage is still fun and I feel like I have a teammate whose got my back no matter what. He's really cute, too.
I can't understand why anyone would commit to fucking only ONE MORE VAGINA for the rest of their life! (dorian, don't respond)

i don't know but lately I've been finding out that people I know that are married and / or have long term relationships are getting tail on the side.
the lurch is confused.
If I ever cheat on my wife I won't have to worry about anything else for the rest of my life. Mostly because when she finds out I'll subsequently be murdered, and, best I can tell, dead people have no concern for worldly trivialities.

EDIT: And because I'm SMRT I asked her what would happen, and she said "I wouldn't kill you, that involves jail time. However I would cut your balls off." But then we had a 30 minute discussion about the possibilities of either of us cheating on one another. Long story short, the outcome really does depend on the variety of circumstances. It is not a black/white issue for us, because we are married and do have a relatively strong relationship. Of course hopefully it never comes up! But who knows?
Speaking of marriage stuff...y'all may or may not recall that my brother's wife left him two years ago (after being with him for two years) so she could go shack up with her ugly and nasty coworker. Welp, sticking to her tendency to dump men after two years, she's now come crawling back to my brother, and he's taking her back. Said she wasn't in her right mind when she left him because she wasn't taking her bipolar meds and blahblahblahblahblah. So she and her kid are moving back in with him at my parents' house.
