Fuckin' Megadeth forum fucks...

Spreadingthe Living312 said:
Oh by the way, GregadetH, whats your name on there?? So I can say "hi! Your that dude from the anthrax board!" sometime.

Mine is TornadoOfSouls66, by the way.



Seriously, I used to be GregadetH but then it was stolen sumhow so they just let me back on w/ ]GregadetH[
GregadetH said:


Seriously, I used to be GregadetH but then it was stolen sumhow so they just let me back on w/ ]GregadetH[

Ah...I was asking cuz I've never seen your name on there...but I guess its cuz there's a billion members.
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
Have I ever expressed how big of fucking assholes they are?? If it were my decision, I'd leave a cleveland Steamer on their chest while they titty fuck their grannies and lick their sisters asses till their tongue turns brown.

I fucking hate those faggots. Their only insults are "Go die!" and "Kill yourself!"

They cant take a little toilet humor, which I love so well. If I said "If youre taking a foot long shit and you want it to come out without pushing, you can flush the toilet and the suction will pull the rest of the turd out of your ass" I'm supposedly the biggest moron ever. I thought it was pretty crafty!!

But anyways, I just wanted to express what big fuckmooks those asshats are Thank you for listening to my bullshit babble.
Wow. I mean it's one thing to try and insult them, but to do so as imbecillically as that? Oh the irony.
I'm suisilence. I use the same name on the Megadeth forums.
The Megadeth forums are full of total morons. They are childish, ignorant, petty, vindictive, and have very very low self esteem.
We all have that inside of us. I like to go there to let my inner dipshit out for a stroll once in a while. Mostly though, I'm on the musicians forums there.
I'll have to try out the Anthrax forums though. Sounds a lot more comfortable.
No. No flames from me. I agree with the threader completely.

Oh yeah, and YAY ANTHRAX!!! :rock:
Guys I haven't checked what was said on the Megadeth boards etc. but I don't want to see a forum vs. forum war or anything crazy like that please. It serves no purpose but to junk up each others forums with crap. Thanks.
Welcome Suisilence
and you forgot to bring beer.......DarbysDad is thirsty and needs some alcoholic refreshment...We try to keep him as drunk as possible. So I will pick up your slack and give DD one of mine. *Reaches into cooler hands DD a ice cold Budweiser*
Didn't we declare ourselves the 'Unofficial megadeth Board' after the old site shut down? Nothin' but love for Deth...however sum of the fans are a different story. I don't deny it. Here or there.
Hideo-Ho, Metal Head-arinos!

Just wanted to say I am also a Droogie (Megadeth Fan) who posts a lot at the Megadeth forums, and I will admit, there are people there who just act like fools (They know who they are!), but a good majority of them are decent folks. GregadetH will tell ya', when I was in trouble, everyone there was there to help, even Dave Mustaine himself. There will always, always, ALWAYS be the people who ruin it for everyone, but the majority of people there are decent.

As for the man who started this thread, no, we don't take too kindly to toilet humor to a certain extent. It's cool on the Post Whore boards, but not anywhere else. But I think your a cool person. Not really my sense of humor, but cool.