Fuckin' THRASH!


Guilty of being SEXY
May 2, 2007
Hampton, Virginia
This thread is a tribute to the fastest, awesomest, balls-to-the walls, headbanging genre of metal there is. Some motherfuckin' Thrash!

Show your love for bands like Exodus, Testament, Destruction, Slayer, Sodom, Kreator, Municipal Waste, Overkill, Demolition Hammer, Motorhead, and the like RIGHT'CHERE!

Lets get to thrashing!

Out of that list, Slayer are the only band I like. Well, Disciples of the Watch by Testament is pretty fuckin' sick too but I haven't heard anything else by them.

Don't listen to Slayer much anymore but I like like 'em.
Why? Because it doesn't have cute little fluttery uber melodic keyboards?

No, because usually they consist of retarted people with beards who can't play their instruments and think their awesome.

Out of the bands I listed, Slayer is the weakest of the bunch. I'd urge all of you to check the others out. They are not obscure bands.

I've heard a few Metallica covers of Overkill songs, I've heard a few Motorhead songs and a few Exodus songs and they didn't really do anything for me.

I was a total Slayer fanboy back then though so I'll be hard to convince me they're not good. :p
No, because usually they consist of retarted people with beards who can't play their instruments and think their awesome.


Exactly! I'm in a thrash band and we are ALL a bunch of retards with beards who think we're awesome!

However, I happen to know that ALL of us know how to play our instruments incredibly well. Nail an Exodus solo and get back to me.
Exactly! I'm in a thrash band and we are ALL a bunch of retards with beards who think we're awesome!

However, I happen to know that ALL of us know how to play our instruments incredibly well. Nail an Exodus solo and get back to me.

I know that stereotype isn't true :lol: i was just joking with you because of the "cute little fluttery uber melodic keyboards".