Funeral Doom

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Erik said:
Skepticism, yes. Buy it. Also the 26-minute 1-song EP Aes.

Yeh, I'll end up buying it if it's anything like Farmakon. I'm not one of those people who downloads everything without buying anything.
NAD said:
Good luck, I'm at day 4 and am already getting the shakes. :hypno:

Hahaha, I'm not as bad as some of you people so I should be able to control myself reasonably well ;).
I just did a trade for the 2CD of Until Death Overtakes Me. Suppose to be some fucked up funeral doom. yee-haw...
I would definitely go for a mere $5 if I was able. There music is great. Just don't take drugs before the show.
Well, it's official: Evoken just opened the floodgates for some more FD.

I must try some Pantheist, Thergothon, and perhaps Shape of Despair. What's happening to 2004 - everyone sinking into the depths of doom?
Pantheist and Thergothon are great. Shape of Despair was good, but I didn't think they were top of the class. I think they got a lot of attention simply for having Pasi Koskinen on growls again, but that's neither here nor there.

Get some Esoteric, they are a must. And get the rest of SKepticism's stuff, especially Stormcrowfleet.

THe latest funeral doom band I've gotten is Until Death Overtakes Me, and it is quite good. A lot more ambient than some others, but very enjoyable....if one is able to truly "enjoy" funeral doom.
Skepticism is one of those bands I know I will fall in love with down the road. I know Farmakon has something there waiting for me, and Lead & Aether hovers unwittingly, but I haven't really tapped into them yet. They will be at the end of the FD road most probably.

Mournful Congregation sounds really good as well. So I headed off to Weird Music ( and of course it's sold out. Second pressing coming soon though.

Certainly the sample that's got me most excited tonight is from Pantheist, but do I buy semi-blind, that is the question?
I bought my Pantheist from Red Stream for like $12, and it was worth it. Just depends where you want to start. A lot of funeral doom is really hard to find like Thergothon, Esoteric, dISEMBOWELMENT, Evoken, and some Skepticism.
Dreamlord said:
I just did a trade for the 2CD of Until Death Overtakes Me. Suppose to be some fucked up funeral doom. yee-haw...
UDOM are really good. They arent funeral doom though. They are atmospheric drone doom. Eerie soundscapes I guess you could say. Good stuff nonetheless.

I get a hard-on whenever Doom is brought up since it's my favorite genre. Anyways, I'd recommend these (not all funeral doom, but kickass)

Buried at Sea
Burning Witch (You MUST own Crippled Lucifer)
Reverend Bizarre (The greatest epic/true doom band I've ever heard.)
Mar De Grises
Warhorse ( Heaven Turns To Ash...get it now)
Estatic Fear (Doom, yet beautiful...great music)
Funeral (older stuff)
Insanity Reigns Supreme
Iron Monkey
Long Winter's Stare
My Shameful
Paul Chain
Shape of Despair
The Funeral Orchestra
Thorr's Hammer
Unearthly Trance
Torture Wheel
Visceral Evisceration

For starters...:rock:
Int said:
Hahaha, I'm not as bad as some of you people so I should be able to control myself reasonably well ;).
I havn't bought or ordered a CD since I made that post. :Smug:
Doom said:
Exactly how rare is Esoteric - Metamorphogenesis??
You know, I'm really not sure. I bought mine from The End for $13, as did some other people, and now no one can find the damn thing. Weird....

Apparently, The End sold out in a day or 2
Doom: Not very -- it's the new one, innit?

dtd: I received the promo of "Of Empires Forlorn" for RC but sent it on to ChiefB for various reasons, anyway I thought it was an above average release. Doomy, but with a certain hopeful, very melodic edge to it and a very competent vocalist. I really liked how on one song or so they accented a couple of phrases with growling too, nice contrast there. I don't really see the MDB comparisons though... And no, it ain't even CLOSE to funeral doom. :loco: