Funny misheard lyrics...

Almost all the Cannibal Corpse albums have something along those lines....

Ex.: (Compelled To Lacerate lyric) When George is screaming "ruptured figures sprawl" it sounds like "Rupture Biggie Smalls"

and everything from the Barnes era CC material sounds off......
I've got two pretty good ones.

Ghost of Perdition, I heard my friend go "blin-ded-bye-the-light", in the "darkness bye her side" part.

Also, there's a running joke between me and my friends in which they always say my last name (Bierce) at random times, because they think it's a kickass word to just say or something. They think it's the greatest last name in the history of the world. In "bleak" at 2:39 the band plays a rest and Mike whispers the word "tears" I believe, but to us, of course it sounds like "I am dying fast inside your Bierce", and everybody laughs out loud at that part of the song. It pretty much ruins it for us.

Lyric: "Smiled at my presence!!!"

I hear: "Smiled at my aggressor!!!"

Also, in the beginning of WHen, when he says 'Red Sun Rising!!' I heard 'RESSURECCTINGG!!'. That was kind of a letdown.
Yeah, I usually hear cool necrokvlt lyrics and then they turn out to be nothing like it. When will Opeth finally write cheesy death metal lyrics with deadly badgers devouring pest ridden tacos of the earth dammit?!! :erk:

i dont think the obvious bloodbath one has been mentioned.

first line of like fire: i am a turtle

for those who didnt know
"Why hasn't anyone said the biggest one?!

The Baying of the Hounds: pest ridden tacos of the Earth."

shit...weird, i also hear about tacos on ghost of perdition...when he sings "The incoherent talk of ordinary days, why would we really need to live?" i hear "when eating one of those tacos on the Mary Dane´s, why would we really need to leave"... so random...
Well, in Serenity Painted Death

You know the part right after he screams "HALOOOOOOOO". It does really sound like he's singing "Black parrotcock in lingerie bread".

The correct lyrics: "Black paragon in lingering breath"... Yeah... :P
daz436 said:
i dont think the obvious bloodbath one has been mentioned.

first line of like fire: i am a turtle

for those who didnt know

I always heard "I am eternal" and thought it was the most badass opening to any song ever :kickass: