I've been right in the thick of deciding whether to go to a recording school recently and due to pressure from parents, lecturers, society, blahblah, I did eventually decide to go to one (despite having NO plans to go to uni, because audio work is what I want to eventually do for a living and I know degrees mean shit in this profession), but recent developments have made me change my mind. And I changed my mind abouttt.. a week ago? So it's too late to apply anyway, really, but I want a gap year regardless of absolutely anything.
I've had a fairly difficult 7 years during Secondary School and College, and one thing and another has lead to me wanting to just have some time off to appreciate life and finally have no academic worries, but due to some shit that happened at College, I almost got kicked out (I'm on my second official warning :\) and I'm getting my BTEC National Diploma cut to a BTEC Certificate, which is equivalent to 2 A Levels rather than 3, which probably isn't enough for uni, and I'm at that point where I've stopped giving a shit about academia in general.
I'm tired of doing stuff that fucks me up and makes me depressed, and Audio Engineering, Mixing, Production, all that stuff makes me TRULY happy. There is NO other work I could or would do like audio work.
I spent two 9 hour days working on a mix, and 4 hours the night before. I'm a pretty slow worker I suppose, but I love it, and I didn't even get paid for it, and right now I couldn't care less.
Based on this mix I've got a 17 track mix+master project coming up at 50 dollars per song, which is more than I've ever been paid for anything ever, so I've realised I'm at that level where I can finally start making SOME money off of this obsession, not enough for a living, and not often or consistently enough, but it's a start.
I've seen this thread on this very forum at least 3 times before, and it just re-affirms my view that it's not worth it in terms of getting a couple of letters after your name.
I've got support from my mum 100% of the way in taking this path in life now, and that's also a huge help. It's a bit shit wanting desperately to make a career out of something your parents don't see the point in, as much as I've never really cared about what my Mum thinks about my other life decisions, it's nice to know I have her support.