This year I think it became clear that Paul Gilbert is in a league of his own over Satch and Petrucci. I like Petrucci but I hate his solo material for G3, it sounds very slapped together to me. Plus for a guy who really has a lot of good taste and feel, he relies way too much on fast scale runs for G3 solos. Satch is just plain not so good. I think it's time we got some new blood in there, and if MJR releases a new CD of solo material that he has briefly mentioned in a few chats wanting to work up one of these days, I think he would have PLENTY of material and be a fantastic addition. Plus, hearing Mike in a blues jam - that alone would be interesting enough for the ticket price. He never plays the blues, I'd be so curious to see what he would do - I bet he'd slay. PG needs to become a mainstay. I didn't get nearly enough Racer X this time around.