Gamers Thread

Paladins are awesome. Yes, I have played Diablo II. But unlike you I care about how fun the game is, not the visuals.
Well, if it wasn't fun it wouldn't matter how dark it is, but because it got the gameplay perfect and that's considered to be a given for Diablo III, we then worry about other aspects. This isn't saying it'll suck, it's saying it'll won't be as absolutely perfect as it's predecessor.

Heavy Rain is probably my most anticipated game for the the ps3. I loved Indigo Prophecy (well the first half of the story) and Heavy Rain is made by the same developers. The team that made Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are also working on a new ps3 game. Shit, there's a bunch of cool games that will be coming out in the fall and early 09.

I'm psyched for the STALKER sequel. Anyone else play that? It was awesome.
Well, if it wasn't fun it wouldn't matter how dark it is, but because it got the gameplay perfect and that's considered to be a given for Diablo III, we then worry about other aspects. This isn't saying it'll suck, it's saying it'll won't be as absolutely perfect as it's predecessor.
And unlike the aesthetics, I perfectly well trust Blizz with the gameplay. They know their shit.
Exactly. Considering that they have a record of turning out awesome games AND they have a perfect model, gameplay'd be hard to fuck up. I'd be satisfied if they just copied code from Diablo 2, frankly.
Stalker is great. Survivalist shooter with great, realistic gun fights, cool environments, great atmosphere, etc. Good stuff. You'll need a reasonably hefty rig to play it, though.
Bumping this because there's a bunch of shit threads on the front and this is actually a good thread.

This post needs substance, so...

Who else plays/played Knights of Honor? Come on, people.
Killzone is cool.
I still haven't beaten FFXII because I haven't been playing it.
I just killed Doctor Cid and got those 2 espers. How much longer is it?
I'm pretty sure it's almost over, if you don't do anymore sidequests and stuff

I originally thought MK vs. DC universe would suck, but after seeing this I'm not so sure:

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Stalker is great. Survivalist shooter with great, realistic gun fights, cool environments, great atmosphere, etc. Good stuff. You'll need a reasonably hefty rig to play it, though.

I liked Stalker for the most part, but all the guns sprayed like they had bent barrels. I spent the first part of the game resorting to rushing in with a shotgun and shooting anything that moved at point-blank range.
Well obviously at any sort of distance you use single shot. I found the way the guns handled perfect, and the innaccuracy not only provided realism, but made the shootouts better and more tactical, since while skill really mattered, you also had to think, and you could try and flank enemies and stuff.
That was good, but I'd have liked to be able to consistently hit enemies when I had my crosshair centred on them.
I don't think that would have worked with the spirit of the game. It was all about uncertainty. If you could just point and shoot and be sure to hit, it would have just been another shooter. Instead, you have to be smart, you have to ambush your target, sneak up, find cover, go prone, aim carefully, and hope you hit.
I actually didn't like it when later in the game you get awesome guns and turn into a badass because you didn't get the intense survivalist feel. Although the Pripiyat level was incredibly awesome in every way.
I have guns in real life and accuracy isn't guaranteed then either, unless you have the patience to carefully sight each one, controlling for distance and wind, neither of which are consistent variables.

I supposed that's why they're called variables :eek:
Well, there are such things as constant variables.

Anyhow, yeah, basically, it's more realistic this way and leads to longer and more strategic firefights, which I like. I don't like in shooters like Quake 4 when you essentially just blow through every enemy by shooting perfect headshots and circlestrafing and other such videogamey tactics.
why you would want randomness in a game is beyond me. luck is one of the most bullshit things out there and it ruins a lot of games. Look at COD4, that game is ruined because of random acc. + random bullet dmg