Gamers Thread

I'm looking forward to Starcraft 2 more than Diablo III myself, because well, Diablo does get tiresome after a while. Starcraft, on the other hand is infinitely fun. I doubt they will top the original game, but then again, , no other RTS has done it yet.
Diablo III looks mighty impressive, nonetheless.
I hope to buy just one edition of Starcraft 2 after a while, so people can make custom maps, and then I can play them.
@Uthark: yeah, but more variety in JK3 and I'd say that in both games once you have significant force powers level design really doesn't matter much.
I happened to like the choice. Mostly because it was incredibly lame in JK2 when they wait till the last mission to give you 3rd level saber throw, when there are only about 10 non-Jedi enemies left in the game and Jedi will just deflect it.
Force heal kinda wrecks 2, but in 3 it's mainly saber combat where you can die instantly so that really makes up for it. Also, the improved saber combat completely makes up for any shortcomings in 3.

Anyone watched the "I Am Alive" trailer? I think it looks promising, a "realistic" survivor game without zombies or mutants and stuff like that, more focused on finding food and water and making your way through the ruins, feels original enough.

Watched it. I would really, really prefer gameplay footage to CG. Give me an idea of what the game is about.
Anyone watched the "I Am Alive" trailer? I think it looks promising, a "realistic" survivor game without zombies or mutants and stuff like that, more focused on finding food and water and making your way through the ruins, feels original enough.
I think I read about this a couple years ago and the reviewer compared it to ICO. If this is true, then I would definitely play it.

I love IV and V, but there's something strangely unappealing about VI to me. Something about the graphics, and about the music, something else...
Also, the Esper system is sorta flawed, and some other criticisms I can't quite recall. Anyway, Kefka is the greatest villain of all time.

No way i'm playing it too! FF7 is really really hard to get in Sweden, had to bid like a motherfucker at an internet auction to get a copy. I agree that it's not that hard but sometimes i could do with a bit more saving points, just died against that machine after riding the motorcycle with the sword, have to replay quite a long way.

When I bought FFVII like two or three years ago, you'd still find it just about anywhere. Guess it's disappeared from the stores since then with the release of the PS3 and everything. (And yeah, I'm swedish too, in case you don't recall)

Is this the first time you're playing the game? I can see how that machine would be able to kill you if you're unaware, but generally it's quite an easy boss really... I don't think I had a single game-over versus any of the bosses in the main storyline.
VII does have a few flaws; for one, the previously mentioned utter lack of difficulty. In addition, the pacing. I like the story of VII but sometimes there's just far too much drama and stuff between the fighting.
I love IV and V, but there's something strangely unappealing about VI to me. Something about the graphics, and about the music, something else...
Also, the Esper system is sorta flawed, and some other criticisms I can't quite recall. Anyway, Kefka is the greatest villain of all time.
I found the Esper system far superior to the Materia system. Also, the unique abilities for each character not only gives them identity but makes you genuinely think about who you put in your party. The story as well is a lot better and less cliched than VII.
I like the storyline of VI. It certainly doesn't hurt that Kefka is the most awesome villain of all time, either. The unique abilities is a cool feature but it's very poorly balanced (when was the last time you ever found a use for Sketch?)
However, how you can possibly find the Esper system better than the Materia system, I simply cannot understand. The Esper system just feels like a greatly underdeveloped version of the Materia system.
On the subject of Final Fantasy VII, I am currently in the process of replaying that gem. Probably my second favourite video game of all time, right behind A Link to the Past.
My biggest issue with the game, is that it's far too easy. They give you this really cool materia system and all these opportunities for godlike characters and IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER because the game's so easy you'll win no matter what you do.

Man, I do agre about VII being too easy. If you grow up on turn based RPGs like I did VII is very easy, especially playing for a 2nd time. You just have to be a little patient & remember to always gain levels & get enough gold to get your guys up to par. I think the pacing & Materia system is sweet though.

I thought the Esper system in VI sucked, & I rarely used Espers. It would take forever to learn every spell with every person & that was something I was never able to do. I got pretty close though. My whole team was level 99 except Gau, who sucked. It was impossible to get all his stuff. So I never used him.

I hardly ever die while playing those older FF's, but XII is much harder when you play side bosses & such. You actually fucking die in that one, especially at the beginning when you're working out the game system & getting used to everything. Most bosses will usually come close to slaying your guys unless you're really strong.

I beat Nemesis in X, which was the hardest boss in teh moster ranch (or whatever it was called) in that game. I was strong as fuck, but it's so hard to get everything. The game has a natural difficulty, but I pretty much don't think I ever died while playing it. The only boss that fucking killed me a few times both times I played through that one was Lady Yunalesca in Zanarkand... Jesus, she was a cunt. That Nemesis was something else though. I about made it all the way around the sphere grid with a few people, but I was never able to get all the final weapons.
So you read my post. I hope you also read this part:

Anyway, what I was saying was, ShredHead, you really need to get Terranigma. It's like a spiritual successor to Illusion of Gaia, and far, far better.

Sorry for whining, but it's important. Terranigma is seriously awesome, and considering the other games on your list, you should like it.