Gamers Thread

Yeah, got Fallout 3, its pretty damn good, best game to come out recently I reckon. However for me it just freezes every now and then, and I have to wait a minute or 2 for it to unfreeze. Can be a pain, but thats rpgs for ya.

I got both Fallout 3 and Saints Row 2 coming by mail tomorrow, can't decide which to start with.
God, there are so many awesome games out now that I want to get - Fallout 3, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, Red Alert 3, probably others I'd want if I were more on top of game releases... but not enough income to get them (along with the new computer I probably need), and too much school work to commit the time to them anyway. Maybe in a few months it'll happen.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines? oh god i loved that fucking game! i finished it like 8 times! it had an awesome dark urban L.A. atmosphere that really sucked me in... my favorite clans were definitely Malkavian and Ventrue for their sexy vampire powers.

Yes. I've probably played through it 4 or 5 times by now. Such an awesome fucking game. Great story, great characters, great atmosphere. The Malkavians were definitely awesome, the Tremere were badass as well.

plus i fapped multiple times for that sexy vamp Jeanette, even got to screw her, too bad they black out the screen when we're doing it, but her moans were hot.

...and you lost me there.
I hate that. So many sex games have come out in the last week or 2, its ridiculous.

Actually thinking about Dead Space, if anyone has it, did you have any problems playing it? Cos I cant even run it yet, everytime I do I get the error message 'Dead Space.exe' has stopped responding.
Thinking about going and getting Fallout 3 right now since I'm home today...
but I don't think I have enough money.
I started to play "Sky Blazer" on my SNES ROM last night. I managed to last about 30 minutes playing that game before I got frustrated as all hell. It's crazy how you can love certain games as a kid & now they're suddenly not even very good.
That's a bad thing.
Take Oblivion, with an interesting environment, engrossing story line, intriguing environment, NPC's with distinctly different personalities, and a world that just makes you feel a part of it overall.
You know... all things that Oblivion seriously failed in.
Downloaded some more Megaman games for my gba emulator. I'll be sure to get some games during this upcoming 4 day break.
My friend was telling me earlier how amazing some game called Dead Space is. Can anyone confirm / deny this?
no game is really worth $60. if you wait 2-3 months you'll be able to pick up both games for $40 each. you can get fable 2 for about $46 on
Heavenly Sword has been out for over a year and it is still $60 at Walmart. I really don't understand this, because it's not even a good game.
That's a bad thing.
Take Oblivion, with an interesting environment, engrossing story line, intriguing environment, NPC's with distinctly different personalities, and a world that just makes you feel a part of it overall.
You know... all things that Oblivion seriously failed in.

I'm sorry you feel that way, Oblivion "to me" was the best game I played since the original Half-Life.
My friend was telling me earlier how amazing some game called Dead Space is. Can anyone confirm / deny this?

Heavenly Sword has been out for over a year and it is still $60 at Walmart. I really don't understand this, because it's not even a good game.

Dead Space is pretty great. Pants shitting scary. Easily the scariest game I've played since the original Silent Hill.