Gamers Thread

His reason is "I don't like the game", he doesn't need to back it up. Granted the way he's going about this is bullheaded.

Yeah, he doesn't back it up and and probably has never played it once. Granted, Halo sucks until you are playing well and not getting teabagged for being shit.
Mathiäs;7767186 said:
Yeah, he doesn't back it up and and probably has never played it once. Granted, Halo sucks until you are playing well and not getting teabagged for being shit.

I've played it before and didn't suck. Not my cup of tea. But I would definitely call it overrated.
Mathiäs;7767186 said:
Yeah, he doesn't back it up and and probably has never played it once. Granted, Halo sucks until you are playing well and not getting teabagged for being shit.
I have played the first one through entirely, and played snippets of 2. Also, I've already given my damn reasons in another thread, but since you're too retarded to recall that, I'll list them again. Pathetic console-centric interface/gameplay, derivative story, annoying mechanics, unintelligent design. I could list even more, but I think you get the point.
given that it's an rpg it's understandable that weapon accuracy is variable.
Add to that the wasteland. Those guns shouldn't be expected to function very well over time, especially since they've basically been ripped apart and put back together with different parts a few hundred times.
On Oblivion: Oblivion was an excellent game, but on the immersion front did not live up to the hype (like anything could have). Morrowind had more stuff to do, and a better feel; Oblivion felt cartoony and happy while morrowind felt like more sorta grim fantasy. But also happy giant mushroom fantasy. At the same time.

Of course, both games had ugly characters, shitty dialogue, and lifeless voice acting.

Mathiäs;7767186 said:
Yeah, he doesn't back it up and and probably has never played it once. Granted, Halo sucks until you are playing well and not getting teabagged for being shit.

It's fine as a multiplayer game, but the singleplayer is completely mediocre. There's just nothing in the game that makes you care about the environment or the characters in it. All you do is proceed from point A to point B to point C and kill everything along the way.
Mathiäs;7769738 said:
Well that's the point of Halo! You play the campaign just to get the gamer points.

Right, I just figured the distinction needed to be made for this argument.

Not the king guy in Oblivion, he was voiced by Patrick Stewart, who obviously did a really awesome job.

Okay. I wouldn't really know since I've only watched other people play it and haven't played it myself, but in general I'd assume my claim is still true.
Of course, both games had ugly characters, shitty dialogue, and lifeless voice acting.
Uh...yeah. Except that the dialogue was fine in morrowind and there was no voice acting.
And I don't play games to look at pretty characters.

Mathiäs;7769738 said:
Well that's the point of Halo! You play the campaign just to get the gamer points.
Well, I played the multiplayer and it sucked. So I guess "not sucking" means being able to nail headshots from across the map while jumping zoomed in on the sniper rifle.
I have had Fallout 3 for three days now without having played it yet, i'm strong lol.
A friend of mine says it's awesome but complained that your weapons dont hit that accurate if you're not very close, anyone heard this?

it is awesome, and a little hard for me because im not a very good gamer lol. But yeah, the combat is slightly lacking in general imo :(
It's fine as a multiplayer game, but the singleplayer is completely mediocre. There's just nothing in the game that makes you care about the environment or the characters in it. All you do is proceed from point A to point B to point C and kill everything along the way.

Isn't that every 1st person shooter?
Halo may be overrated, but the original is still a great game.