Gamers Thread

Totally playing FFVI after I beat Chrono Trigger.

I'm running through all the good, old school RPGs for kicks. I forgot how fun they are.
Just don't let Shadow die when you beat the area!!!
Well, I got to the end, but there was 0 seconds left at the choice, so I just jumped off. Kind of fits the darker theme of the late game well, actually, so I didn't bother going back and keeping him alive. Cid also died, which I'm pretty sure was optional. Was a pretty sad scene when Celes looked like she was going to kill herself.
Well, I got to the end, but there was 0 seconds left at the choice, so I just jumped off. Kind of fits the darker theme of the late game well, actually, so I didn't bother going back and keeping him alive. Cid also died, which I'm pretty sure was optional. Was a pretty sad scene when Celes looked like she was going to kill herself.

:rolleyes: It's possible that you might have to let the time run out. I don't remember the exact thing you have to do because it's been so long since I've played the game, but you definitely want to keep him alive...

There was no saving Cid, but he wasn't an integral character to the game anyways. Shadow is always good to have. You will use your whole party in dungeons later in the game too.
There was no saving Cid, but he wasn't an integral character to the game anyways. Shadow is always good to have. You will use your whole party in dungeons later in the game too.

If I recall correctly, you can actually save Cid by feeding him better fish.
If I recall correctly, you can actually save Cid by feeding him better fish.

Oh yeah, doesn't he die right after the floating continent fucks shit up??? You have to get fish in the ocean with Celes? If so, yeah it would be cool to keep him alive. I always like to do everything I can in a RPG.
Oh yeah, doesn't he die right after the floating continent fucks shit up??? You have to get fish in the ocean with Celes? If so, yeah it would be cool to keep him alive. I always like to do everything I can in a RPG.

I'm actually fairly certain you can keep him alive by only catching faster fish. Maybe you have to play that game again then. Perhaps best to look it up in a guide or something.
For whatever reason I have not played any Metal Gear Solid games. Last week I boight and completed the first one (for playstation) and I just started Sons of Liberty today. I still think that the shooting feels really awkward and I'm still not used to it even though I completed the first game a few days ago. That's the only complaint I have about the series. I feel like a faggot for not having played mgs before.

yeah, they are fucking awesome. I have beaten the first three countless times, but have yet to beat the fourth because of, well, a lack of a ps3 and a lack of money to buy one. Some of the best story oriented games ever.
I really wasn't impressed with 4. 1, 2 and 3 are some of my favourite games ever, but 45 just didn't feel right. To much action, not enough tactical espionage as I have heard it said. The last fight was awesome though.
A friend and I beat Halo 3 on cooperative mode last night. We were playing it on normal difficulty and except for this one part where you had to run past a bunch of enemies it was really easy. The hardest part was often finding where you had to go. Pretty fun though.
Halo can be fun with a group of friends, but overall the series just feel very uninspired to me. I do not really understand why the games are so huge. I had a heel of a lot of fun playing Halo 2 over live with a few friends for a few weeks, but after that it got old. I have no problem with the games themselves, they are decent, but the massive hype really gets annoying for a game that just seems average to me.
I really wasn't impressed with 4. 1, 2 and 3 are some of my favourite games ever, but 45 just didn't feel right. To much action, not enough tactical espionage as I have heard it said. The last fight was awesome though.

I have talked to plenty of people that weren't really impressed with 4's gameplay, but the gameplay isn't what makes any of those games. The story is what makes them.
Definately, but it's a game I'm playing so I'd still like some more fun from actually playing rather than watching. Especially because the play in 1 and 2 was so good.
Halo can be fun with a group of friends, but overall the series just feel very uninspired to me. I do not really understand why the games are so huge. I had a heel of a lot of fun playing Halo 2 over live with a few friends for a few weeks, but after that it got old. I have no problem with the games themselves, they are decent, but the massive hype really gets annoying for a game that just seems average to me.
Well, Halo was fun for me with friends, but it would have been just as fun without Halo in the equation.
A friend and I beat Halo 3 on cooperative mode last night. We were playing it on normal difficulty and except for this one part where you had to run past a bunch of enemies it was really easy. The hardest part was often finding where you had to go. Pretty fun though.

Have you played it on legendary? It's harder than fuck.