Gamers Thread

Call Of Duty 5 is awesome. Might even be my favourite to date.
there's a 5 now?
they just churn them out, don't they? Probably still the same engine as 2.
EDIT: Yup, same engine. Looks like more of the same, tbh. Which was good. But really...maybe if there was some promise of better AI or more creative levels...

Mathiäs;7783459 said:
Not sucking means not getting killed by every person you see.

...and when every person I see is doing what I described?
So, Fallout 3, in essence, is just Oblivion in a post-apocalyptic setting. Everything feels so familiar despite appearing different. Quite disappointing, actually. To top it off, the longer I play the game, the less stable it gets. The game crashes often with no reason upon loading saved games-- "memory could not be read" errors. galore.(this doesn't occur in other games). Maybe it's some sort of memory leak issue. I've tried tweaking the settings many times over, but to no avail.
there's a 5 now?
they just churn them out, don't they? Probably still the same engine as 2.
EDIT: Yup, same engine. Looks like more of the same, tbh. Which was good. But really...maybe if there was some promise of better AI or more creative levels...

Yeah its called World At War. Luckily they used the COD 4 engine so it runs just like modern warfare, but we're back to WW2, which is my fave.
Mathiäs;7787489 said:
Considering you haven't played it through, you wouldn't possibly know.
Halo 1 all the way through. In case you didn't know I always play games at the highest difficulty level.
World of Goo is a really great,humorous and original puzzler.
You build towers out of living goo balls in order to reach the pipe in each level. The unique level design is what makes this game shine. Each stage is different, and the game, overall, is lots of fun.
I generally do that because I find games to be too easy. Though with strategy games, I usually start at a lower difficulty to get the hang of it.
Yeah, same exception for me. I suck at real-time strategy games (NOT turn-based for some reason).
Yeah its called World At War. Luckily they used the COD 4 engine so it runs just like modern warfare, but we're back to WW2, which is my fave.

Don't get me wrong, I love massacring Germans of all stripes, but it would be nice to kill them in different ways. I really like whatever it was called where you were a German resistance fighter but you were a zombie and could slow down time and if you knifed enough guys or got headshots you got a shield or something. But I only played one level.
Just picked up Mario Kart DS and Castlevania today
Damn, Mario Kart is so much fun. If anyone wants to try to setup wireless games sometime, pm me.
Don't get me wrong, I love massacring Germans of all stripes, but it would be nice to kill them in different ways. I really like whatever it was called where you were a German resistance fighter but you were a zombie and could slow down time and if you knifed enough guys or got headshots you got a shield or something. But I only played one level.

haha fucking lol. Who doesnt enjoy massacring germans.

So, Fallout 3, in essence, is just Oblivion in a post-apocalyptic setting. Everything feels so familiar despite appearing different. Quite disappointing, actually. To top it off, the longer I play the game, the less stable it gets. The game crashes often with no reason upon loading saved games-- "memory could not be read" errors. galore.(this doesn't occur in other games). Maybe it's some sort of memory leak issue. I've tried tweaking the settings many times over, but to no avail.

tbh, I didnt really enjoy it. I thought it was lackluster in many ways tbh.