Gamers Thread

I don't normally play shooters but I have played some that are not like that. And besides you just named one.
Name one where it's not just point A to point B while killing everything along the way.
Half-Life is the only series I can think of, and it's still mostly in that mold.

That's shooters, in a nutshell. The trick, however, is to make the setting of the game involving so the player will want to progress from point A to B while killing everything in sight. And that's something that Halo lacked, imo. The levels were just not interesting enough to traverse, with too much bactracking.
That's shooters, in a nutshell. The trick, however, is to make the setting of the game involving so the player will want to progress from point A to B while killing everything in sight. And that's something that Halo lacked, imo. The levels were just not interesting enough to traverse, with too much bactracking.

Agree. The only shooter that ever interested me enough to actually want to progress was Doom on the PS.

Do you guys know what was a killer RPG?? "Wild Arms" on the PS! I loved that one. I wound up getting really far & I got stuck... The same thing happened to me on "Zelda: Ocarina of Time" :( :( :(
I know that. I want the PS3 for its wider variety of quality titles and the back compatibility for the PS2(since I own one).

I heard that the newer PS3's aren't backwards compatible :devil: :devil: :devil: Do they even play PS1 games?? That would be very important to me if I were to buy one. I'm oldschool when it comes to gaming.
Look, like I said, Halo is not all what it's cracked up to be, but I still thought it was a good game. The first one, especially. I found the environments great and diverse. Plus the combat is more fun in Halo than just about any other shooter.
As far as the Half-Life series goes, those were 2 of the greatest games ever, and Halo does not come close to it... that does not make Halo suck, though.

I played a bit of "BioShock" & it was not my thing at all. One fo the better modern FPS games though. "The Suffering" & "Darkwatch" were cool though. Those are the best ones I've played in years. The problem is I get to a certain point in the game then just totally lose interest.

"Resident Evil 4" kept shit interesting & you make huge progressions throughout the game.
Bioshock is quite fun, though it's not something I can play often. After the initial "wow", my interest in it has been gradually decreasing.Hard to say why, it's too chaotic and disorienting, I guess.
As for RE4, I've played through the game several times, and it's extraordinary from start to finish.

Playing Fallout 3 right now, and it's really good so far. The game runs smoothly, though I've been having some memory read problems with it upon loading quicksves in several areas.
So today I picked up the an old NES from the local game store for about 3 games, with 3 controllers, the gun thing, and a game pad thing. The three games I bought were Super Mario 3, some RPG warrior game (can't remember name, and of coarse, the family favorite, TETRIS! (more for my dad, as he used to play that game all the time) Anyways, so many memories were brought back. The blowing to make the game work right, my dad getting mad at us and taking the NES away, and so much more!
It is the hardest and only hard part of that game, though.

No fucking way. The tower where you can only use magic, big mountain where you find Locke, & the area where you find Odin are all much harder. I smoked The Floating Continent. JUST MAKE SURE THAT AT THE END OF THE FLOATING CONTINENT YOU WAIT. WHEN IT ASKS IF YOU WANT TO JUMP OFF THE FLOATING CONTINENT SAY NO AND WAIT. IF YOU WAIT SHADOW WILL LIVE, IF YOU HURRY HE DIES.