Gamers Thread

I was looking at all my ps2 games and just found nfl 2k3.Haven't play this one in a while but it is a fun game.The ps3,xbox360 and wii don't interested me like other people on here.I might look into games I don't have for the ps2 insted of buying a new ps3 or xbox360 altough I have a wii but that only came with the comcast thing and I don't play it.
I got my PS3 bc there were too many people that had Xbox's dying on them. I think they have gotten a little more reliable, but the PS3 is probably still more durable.
Mg4...aaaaaand that's about it.

I want to love the ps3 because I have always been a sony supporter, and the ps3 really is a great piece of hardware, but the game library is too lacking to warrant a purchase for me as of now.
Everyone says that, and yet there are tons of generally considered great games on the PS3. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, God Of War, Folklore, Gran Turismo, Infamous, Yakuza, Ratchet & Clank, and so on. And then you have coming games like Heavy Rain or L.A Noir to be excited about.
The Last Guardian will be PS3 exclusive. For those of you who haven't been following the series, or weren't aware that a third game in the trilogy was on the way, it is the follow up title to ICO and Shadow of the Colossus; two epic fucking games :cool:
Everyone says that, and yet there are tons of generally considered great games on the PS3. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, God Of War, Folklore, Gran Turismo, Infamous, Yakuza, Ratchet & Clank, and so on. And then you have coming games like Heavy Rain or L.A Noir to be excited about.

xbox exclusives are prob a lot better if you're a console fps lover but any sane person knows that fps games belong primarily on pc. most of the best games for my tastes are on both consoles, and, man, mgs4. also xbox isn't as much cheaper as it initially seems when you keep in mind how much you have to pay for net play (assuming you want it, and most people do) and all the games seem to be a couple of pounds dearer over here as well. also ps3 is a more powerful machine and this would be more obvious if xbox hadn't been out longer providing more time to make the best of the system. also ps3s don't die so easily, as ysay.

but then i'm biased 'cause i shelled out for one. :cool:
I prefer more for the Xbox 360, mainly to me is that the entertainment capabilities are almost endless...and I find the 360 has a greater selection of games then what the PS3...mainly the exclusives. Splinter Cell: Conviction being one of them in the future.

I'm going to say this now...remember when Playstation used to market there stuff on TV all the don't see it as much now as back then...Xbox 360 seems to have taken that title.

Anyways. Sure paying 60$ a year for live may be stupid compared to free online capabilities that PS3 has. But the 360 has tons more that you can do either way.
All y'all faggots oughta buy a PC. Games are free and the system's upgradeable. You can build a badass gaming comp for ~$1000 or less nowadays, and it does other things too. When you compare the costs of a monitor to a big TV, the overall price difference is only a couple hundred. PC games cost much less retail and can all be easily pirated, so it evens out really fast. Also, the PC has shooters and RTSes. People argue that you can't play platformers with a mouse and keyboard, but you can plug in a gamepad.
I finally finished Deus Ex tonight... after starting it back in May.

I enjoyed the game a lot more toward the beginning when it was still open-ended and had rest periods in-between the action. By the time it turned into constant back-to-back combat missions, it started to feel really tedious... just enemy base after enemy base after enemy base, same types of bad guys each time. That was what killed my interest for several months. It got more interesting toward the end though.

Bob Page was such an obnoxious arch-villain. :lol:

So now I'm installing F.E.A.R., which is the only game from the three I bought back in April that I have yet to play. I am expecting awesomeness.
With Deus Ex, up through Hong Kong the game rules, after that you're mostly playing for plot (which is excellent). F.E.A.R. is pretty fucking sweet if you can turn up the settings. Just don't expect it to be scary. The plot is actually pretty good, though, except that there are some massive unanswered questions at the end. Presumably these are addressed in the second one.
Yeah, the storyline in Deus Ex is absolutely top-notch. Too bad the gameplay is often pretty mediocre. Definitely looking forward to FEAR though - I haven't played through a good shooter since Half-Life 2 a couple years ago.
How did you play the game? If you found the gameplay mediocre, you were probably doing it wrong. It's pretty open to whatever you want to do, but a lot of people play it all stealthy because they don't realize they can just kill every fucker on the map.

FEAR isn't really at HL2's level. It's pretty much just 10 hours of shooting faceless assholes in offices, construction sites, and basements. That said, you shoot them with STYLE. And SHOTGUNS. That remove their heads. It's more like a first person Max Payne, minus the film noir stuff (incidentally, for good shooters you can't go wrong with the Max Payne games).