Gamers Thread

How did you play the game? If you found the gameplay mediocre, you were probably doing it wrong. It's pretty open to whatever you want to do, but a lot of people play it all stealthy because they don't realize they can just kill every fucker on the map.

FEAR isn't really at HL2's level. It's pretty much just 10 hours of shooting faceless assholes in offices, construction sites, and basements. That said, you shoot them with STYLE. And SHOTGUNS. That remove their heads. It's more like a first person Max Payne, minus the film noir stuff (incidentally, for good shooters you can't go wrong with the Max Payne games).

Well I did tend to play the game really cautiously, which I'm sure made it more tedious than it needed to be, but I still think the gameplay got pretty bland at times. With level design as open-ended as it often is in Deus Ex, I would hope there would be a lot of neat little surprises and hidden stuff for people who take the time to explore, but too often it was just things like supply/ammo rooms, a bajillion ducts and sewers that rarely go anywhere useful, or random rooms/areas with no purpose. There's just so much of each level that feels like I'm just wandering around not accomplishing anything, and it shouldn't be that way.

@Max Payne: great series. I say that even though I haven't played any myself, but I watched my brother play through the better part of 1 and 2, and it was highly entertaining.
A buddy of mine and myself used to make up Max Payne style monologues in class when we were bored. That max certainly has a way with words :lol:

*Screen goes gray*

I woke up this morning and consumed a plate of rotten eggs. They did nothing to consume the despair in my heart nor did they fill the hole in my soul. I went out and the rain hit me like a thousand loogies spat from the heavens above and then I realized...I had locked my keys inside...

*Kill 100000000000 people*
I actually really enjoy the writing in Max Payne. It's delivered so straight-facedly that you can take it at face value, but it's totally tongue in cheek.
Well, the first one was really fucking dark. The plot was actually really good in terms of character development. I remember I had a fairly elegant appraisal of the series back when I first played through them. A third game is allegedly in the works.

Also, a new Deus Ex game, supposedly. This would be very cool. Invisible War was a good game, but nowhere near as good. Still the idea of an open-ended shooter/rpg set in basically the Blade Runner world with a plot that makes Tom Clancy look like a naive wuss remains very very cool, and modern graphics and shit could add a lot. That said, I probably won't have the horsepower to play it...:(
I woke up this morning and consumed a plate of rotten eggs. They did nothing to consume the despair in my heart nor did they fill the hole in my soul. I went out and the rain hit me like a thousand loogies spat from the heavens above and then I realized...I had locked my keys inside...

*Kill 100000000000 people*

Dragon Age Origins ftw, although I have the console version so im bugged for a bit until a patch comes out.
Sweet, so being a Baldur's Gate fan back in the 90s I can give DAO a very big stamp of approval! My first PC game in a long time, and damn I've been stuck on my ass playing this game non-stop whenever I have spare time!
I just looked that game up, and holy fuck the screenshots are incredible. I hadn't even heard of it, but I can imagine that being the end-all of RPGs. I should just dump $1500 on a new desktop PC right now so I can play it. :lol:
So what's special about it? Isn't it just another among the thousands? (I'm not asking in a smug way, just wondering)
Surely it won't top Baldurs Gate, nothing ever will ;)

Except for the coming Max Payne 3 the good people over at Remedy provides us with Alan Wake, a must for all Twin Peaks fans!

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It's like Baldur's Gate with the production quality and scale of the fucking Lord of the Rings movies. Go check out some of the videos and screens dude.
The screenshots are really unimpressive. You could convince me that the game is fun (it looks fun), but it doesn't look all that amazing. Definitely not the "end-all of RPGs."
Leave me and my susceptibility to hype alone. I insist that it looks fucking awesome, and I can't imagine what about it you would find 'unimpressive'.
Let's just put it this way, it's like watching a movie in the theatres hoping it will never end.. I get the same feeling playing this game, I barely touched the main quest for almost 9 hours of gameplay just because I wanted to finish all the side quests available at the time!

Oh and for people just starting and choosing Human Noble as their starting class, I advise you try to bang the chick that your mom introduces you to because the following cutscene is 400% more badass if you do (and no you don't get to see the sex you dirty bastards)

It is truly the second coming of video-game Christ.