Gamers Thread

Haha, you guys crack me up, What does it matter what DAO looks like.(and it looks pretty damn great, actually) The important thing is how well it plays.
My only problem with PC is the $1000 part. Other than that I'd swear by it. Endless possibilities with quick access to tons of free addons,mods, etc.

I would argue that it's competitive with consoles when you think about it. PS3 at launch was $600. $400 difference. Now, if you buy PC games new there's a $10 price difference per game, so after 40 games you break even. But if you pirate PC games for free, you break even after 6 or 7 games. And that doesn't include access to mods etc, plus the fact that it's a computer. 360 is more like $400 now I think, but even then it evens out over time and also none of this is including the cost of a TV worthy of that gaming power.

Another way to think about it is that everyone wants a computer for practical purposes. That computer probably costs $400. For an additional $600 for the pimp stuff you have a gaming computer. So the true cost of a gaming computer is really more like $600. Which is worth it.
Fallout 3 is fucking great, I still need to play all of the expansions for it though.

None of them are too great, but they add some pretty cool weapons, especially broken steel. I fucking love that game though. And for Runk, Oblivions leveling system is awesome. Strraight xp is used in like 90% of role playing games, let it be.

Anyway, my eyes are bleeding from modern warfare2fest
Ah, well they'll definitely give me an excuse to play more, though I can't know since I don't have it. Once the gold-type edition with all the expansions comes out at a cheaper price, I'll get it.
Anyhow, the reason for the graphics gap is the shooters are all about style over substance whereas RPGs are all about substance over style, which is why I still play Diablo II but wouldn't touch a shooter from back then.

WTF? The shooters that came out around that timeframe(97-01) are, without a doubt, the best multiplayer shooters ever made(Quakeworld/TF1, TFC/HLDM, Tribes1/2, etc). They're still thousands of people playing those games, and they're 10+ years old. Obviously, if they didn't have much substance the communities would have died years ago. These glorified tech demos they call FPSes nowadays don't have shit on those games.

Anyways, If anyone is interested in playing quakeworld or quakelive, pm me. I'm going to start back up again in a few days.

I would argue that it's competitive with consoles when you think about it. PS3 at launch was $600. $400 difference. Now, if you buy PC games new there's a $10 price difference per game, so after 40 games you break even. But if you pirate PC games for free, you break even after 6 or 7 games. And that doesn't include access to mods etc, plus the fact that it's a computer. 360 is more like $400 now I think, but even then it evens out over time and also none of this is including the cost of a TV worthy of that gaming power.

Another way to think about it is that everyone wants a computer for practical purposes. That computer probably costs $400. For an additional $600 for the pimp stuff you have a gaming computer. So the true cost of a gaming computer is really more like $600. Which is worth it.

True. Also wireless routers for Xbox are around $100 which is dumb.
Didn't think about cost of a good TV as I just run my 360 through my PC screen, but that is definently good information to someone deciding on what to get. Though personally even with that info I would still probably go with Xbox just to be able to play with friends.
True. Also wireless routers for Xbox are around $100 which is dumb.
Didn't think about cost of a good TV as I just run my 360 through my PC screen, but that is definently good information to someone deciding on what to get. Though personally even with that info I would still probably go with Xbox just to be able to play with friends.

Why would you want a wireless router for xbox...that shit makes your connection look like shit compared to having it actually hardwired to a router itself.

I used to be im hardwired and my connection is much faster
I can't be hardwired to my XBOX :(, my router/modem is downstairs with the host comp, and I'm up in my room, diagonally across the house (and upstairs) :( :(
Though personally even with that info I would still probably go with Xbox just to be able to play with friends.

Stuff like xFire makes it easy to hang with other PC using friends, but unfortunately nobody uses PCs. That said, I think multiplayer is overrated in general.
I can't be hardwired to my XBOX :(, my router/modem is downstairs with the host comp, and I'm up in my room, diagonally across the house (and upstairs) :( :(

What I would do is if you a ethernet cable all the way to the router...That's the only thing I can suggest...The only thing is how long would you need it to be. lol
Oblivion is in some ways motherfucking awesome (e.g. the first time you encounter an Oblivion Gate), but sadly ruined by its absolutely retarded world logic. For example, you break into someone's home and steal a spoon from their table. Nobody sees you entering or leaving. You go out and kill monsters for a while, then make your way to a town miles away. Upon your arrival, a guard standing outside suddenly runs at you, screaming, "THIEF! CRIMINAL!" And you're going, "...What the fuck?" Awesome, psychic guards don't ruin this game at all.

Less retarded things were still annoying, like the voice acting and facial expressions of townsfolk stopping in their jerky, awkward marionette-like halting motion to glare at you and say: "What."

Fallout 3 was so much better. I could give a fuck that Fallout fans hated it.

Anyway, I'm kind of recently getting back into videogames a bit. I sort of stopped playing them for a while after I decided WoW was no longer enjoyable for me, but merely an ongoing addiction. Done with that. So anyway, I've just been revisiting some old favorites (Chrono Trigger, Demon's Crest, Valkyrie Profile). I don't really care much about catching up with current stuff at the moment, though I will probably want to pick up a PS3 eventually so I can play Fumito Ueda's next game...

For the hell of it, here's my top 10 videogames O.A.T.

Shadow of the Colossus
Half-Life 2 (including Episodes)
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (has to be Subsistence)
Deus Ex
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
X-Com: UFO Defense
Doom/Doom II (kind of a tie)

List changes a bit here and there, but I'll stick with that for now.

I think next I want to revisit Nocturne. That game's atmosphere haunts me.
Lately I've been playing a new game called Torchlight. It's basically a Diablo 2 clone with higher resolution cartoony graphics. It was actually made by most of the same people that made Diablo 2. It's only 20 bucks.
Oblivion is so ambitious that any difference between it and how things would actually happen is going to be seen as a flaw. That said, I agree that it had problems, especially with AI. But it was immersive as fuck and that's all that really matters to me. Fallout 3 was as well, but there were times where it got too goofy for me. There are lots of ways both games could be improved, though. Like, I could make lists of hundreds of major and minor things in both that should be fixed. That's what happens when you make such a huge game. That said, I think Morrowind slays both.

If we're doing top 10 lists...

TES III: Morrowind (with expansions)
Half-Life 2 (fuck the episodes)
Diablo II (with expansion)
Age of Empires 2 (with expansion)
Deus Ex
Final Fantasy X
Guitar Hero (the first one)
Knights of Honor
Polkemon Stadium 2 for N64 (sentimental, but it also just ruled)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) - I should confess, I have never beaten this. I am no longer convinced it is possible to win. Fucking vague-ass quests.

That said, I don't play terribly many games, and I tend to play the shit out of the ones I do play.
Episode 2 was the better episode, by far. Episode 1 was like playing the last part of the first game backwards, only more watered down. Seriously...even with the imminent meltdown of the Citadel they completely failed to create any sense of urgency. The parking garage was completely unfun, and the part where it's all dark sucked because it was based on a really really lame mechanic, namely 15-second flashlight batteries. There were no new guns and only one new enemy, which sucked.

2 was alright. The part where you're cruising along picking up stashes reminded me a bit of the Lost Coast portion of HL2, only not as good and much shorter. There wasn't enough dialogue with Alex (well, monologue). The underground part (which SUCKED) went on way too long. That said, yeah, 2 was pretty decent. But any given 5 hour stretch from HL2 is better than either episode.
God, Alyx was such a boring character in HL2. When I first met her in the game I was all "cool, a hot female side-kick!" Then after a while I was like "goddamnit, your personality is about the equivalent of a bad cop show on TV. Go jump in an antlion pit."