Gamers Thread

Val: I play it on the 360 :lol: don't hate me!

Is this in response to my post responding to yours? I don't see Val anywhere on this page, but I'm not sure your post is relevant to what I said.

Having it on 360 isn't really an excuse to not record the glitch, because you can get a converter cable to hook the 360 audio out up to your computer. Might have to find a friend to steal it from though.
The glitch might be difficult to recreate. That said, physics glitches that produce endless falling noises are fairly commonplace. I remember they could be really creepy in FEAR.
I hate the javelin glitch so damn much. I want to bomb the infinity ward hq everytime i die because im in the radius of a doucher with a javelin equipped dying. Seriously, when I see some one go 50 and 16 when the most they get killstreak wise is a care package...somethings not right. Its sad that the game has been out as long as it has and IW has yet to attempt to patch the damn thing.
I hate the javelin glitch so damn much. I want to bomb the infinity ward hq everytime i die because im in the radius of a doucher with a javelin equipped dying. Seriously, when I see some one go 50 and 16 when the most they get killstreak wise is a care package...somethings not right. Its sad that the game has been out as long as it has and IW has yet to attempt to patch the damn thing.

The Patch to the Javelin glitch is coming soon. According to Infinity Ward.
I've just started oblivion from the start again. Too broke to get a new game so i'm going back to a classic. i'm attempting not to use magic apart from health. not sure how successful i'll be, but an orc with a big sword should overcome most problems.
I've mainly been playing Dragon Age and Counter Strike: Sourcem with a little bit of Fallout on the side. Once I'm done with DA I'll move onto Borderlands.