Gamers Thread

I borrowed a copy from my friend who recently bought a PS3 as well. I've never been a fan of the franchise, though. Hopefully this will convert me.Need to get it installed.

So glad I finally bought a wireless XBOX controller for Windows so I can now play Street Fighter IV without risking breaking the keyboard to pieces.
Can you maximize antialiasing as well, and play without a hiccup in the framerate? Try something really demanding like the PC port of Street Fighter IV, for example.
I've actually heard that ATI cards outperform Nvidia GPUs in some areas. Is it true?

Crysis is about as demanding as it gets. And it ran with all settings maxed, antialiasing at 8x, no hiccups. Running at 1280x1024; I don't have a huge monitor. Still, looks fucking amazing. Good game, too.

Hopefully I'll have a new card within the next few months.

Anyone here play OFP2?
That and ARMA II are high on my list of stuff to play now I have a rig that can handle it.
What kind of processor did you get? My motherboard recently died so I got a new one along with an intel core 2 quad.
Crysis is about as demanding as it gets. And it ran with all settings maxed, antialiasing at 8x, no hiccups. Running at 1280x1024; I don't have a huge monitor. Still, looks fucking amazing. Good game, too.

That and ARMA II are high on my list of stuff to play now I have a rig that can handle it.

ArmA + editor + addons/mods = endless amount of awesome
I enjoyed the Sahrani Life servers more than the original game.

I'm currently in the process of trying to get what I need in order to play ArmA II at good graphics at 1440x900.

I can run it perfectly if I drop everything, but It's painful(yet still possible) to play with nintendo graphics. Now the picture at 1440x900 comes in great but it gets very slow, would a graphics card fix this or is it more of a processor issue? card should give you a major performance bump, but your processor might be holding you back a bit.

Just started playing Operation Flashpoint 2. So far it's cool, I guess, but feels a little more like a training tool than a game. Maybe the problem is that I'm also playing through Crysis, which has the same wide-open-area thing going on.

Also, Mount and Blade schools you fools. Somebody needs to play this so I can talk about it with them. card should give you a major performance bump, but your processor might be holding you back a bit.

Just started playing Operation Flashpoint 2. So far it's cool, I guess, but feels a little more like a training tool than a game. Maybe the problem is that I'm also playing through Crysis, which has the same wide-open-area thing going on.

Also, Mount and Blade schools you fools. Somebody needs to play this so I can talk about it with them.

So for the most part it's the card I should be looking at first?

Havn't heard of Mount and Blade, whats it like?

Yea OFP has more of a "locked in" feal to me if that makes any sense. Though I play it on Xbox and don't know what it's like for PC with addons/mods.

ArmA 2 if played as is will probably still feel a bit like a simulator. I'm pretty sure that they should have some sort of Sahrani Life type server up by now. It's meant to be like an RPG, but it's fun as hell to terrorize people/rob banks. :lol: I don't know how strict the server admins are for ArmA II, but I know that with ArmA I would get banned from a few for taking things "too far". It's safer to attack and then hide somewhere and let them regroup as opposed to waging all out war on the cops/civs in the town and get bitched at for deathmatching.

The games are a bit slow paced with the size of the land, but I like being able to use guerilla tactics. :lol: It's hard to car bomb a hospital and make a get away when the map is only the size of the town you did it in.
Yeah, I'd start with the card; if it turns out you need a whole new rig, you can just switch the card over anyways, so you can't lose, but it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll get a significant performance boost from a better card.

Mount And Blade...basically you'd a mercenary captain in medieval Europe, except instead of medieval Europe it's called Calradia, but there aren't any spells or dragons or whatever. You can recruit dudes to fight for you and stuff and go around fighting bandits at first. Eventually you gain some renown and can join a faction and fight for a side in the wars and stuff, eventually you can become a vassal of a king and get your own castle and stuff. The meat of the game is the battles, though. You control your guy from third person, and it's got to be the best melee combat system ever. You attack using LMB and the direction you move the mouse determines the direction of the attack. Enemies do the same and you have to block the right way, which makes it awesome. Also, speed is a huge factor in weapon damage, so if you run at someone and swing it does more than if you're just standing...and if you hit someone from a horse at full'll usually fight from horseback and there's nothing more awesome than riding down enemy crossbowman and killing them right before they put a bolt through your liver.

Sorry for the novel. I like this game a lot.

This post is about to get longer: Crysis review

Okay, the graphics are nice.
There aren't enough guns. The SCAR you start out with has no ammo until the very end of the game, so after a half hour or so you won't ever use it again. Other than that, you have; assault rifle, pistol, shotgun, smg, sniper rifle that never gets ammo. I want more toys! Toys are basically the heart and soul of the sandbox, so it would make sense to provide them. The suit powers are cool, but the only one I ever used was cloak...the others seem underdeveloped. Enemies take way too much damage and you die pretty quickly, so you can't play it like a straight shooter even for a little bit. At least health recharges. The enemy AI is pretty good, no complaints there. The level design is good up until the alien ship, but I would have liked some indoor stuff. The helicopters cheat; they can see you lying prone in the middle of a bush in the forest. With cloak on. The aliens were kind of lame, the antigravity was nowhere near as cool as they said it would be, and the whole thing was disappointing. The end was pretty abrupt, too, since it's gonna be a trilogy. Overall a good game, worth playing if your computer can run it, but if not you're not missing too much, just play Far Cry 1.

Currently playing FEAR 2 and Bioshock. So far FEAR 2 is fucking awesome, as expected, but Bioshock is a little different than what I expected. How dare they!
Bioshock was a crushing disappointment for me; it's just too fast-paced and the action is not satisfying. It was all the more disappointing that it came recommended from fans of Deadspace, a game which I love to fucking bits.

I heard that Crysis is more about graphics than substance. I'll check it out regardless.
I heard the sequel is amazing. I should give this franchise a go.

Still can't wait fo FF XIII. I feel it's gonna be awesome.


Dante's Inferno is coming out February 9th, Lost Planet 2 on the 23rd...and I would have gotten fucking Splinter Cell but no...they had to change the release date to April.

March is gonna fucking rule though

Battlefield Bad Company & Final Fantasy XIII gonna be a good year for gaming

Mount and Blade is a flawed gem. The combat is excellent. Nothing so satisfying as riding by big battles on your house and chopping people down. Graphically its not the best but not terrible.

The actual campaign gameplay can be a bit boring though - repetitive and I never really felt like I was being recognised for my quite incredible achievements. I played through on normal difficulty and eventually got quite good at combat so I was able to take on forces twice my size and still win comfortably which removed any semblance of realism for me.

Still lots of fun though.

Mount and Blade is a flawed gem. The combat is excellent. Nothing so satisfying as riding by big battles on your house and chopping people down. Graphically its not the best but not terrible.

The actual campaign gameplay can be a bit boring though - repetitive and I never really felt like I was being recognised for my quite incredible achievements. I played through on normal difficulty and eventually got quite good at combat so I was able to take on forces twice my size and still win comfortably which removed any semblance of realism for me.

Still lots of fun though.

Actually, an group of 50 veteran knights on horseback would be able to take down several hundred peasants with sticks without much difficulty. The battles generally seem relatively realistic. However, horses are overpowered, as riding straight into a wall of spearmen is a perfectly valid tactic. The main problem is that each guy fights on his own, which means that stuff like a spear wall backed up by crossbowmen, which historically would have been death for a cavalry charge, doesn't happen. Instead your cavalry will charge, kill some dudes, then turn it into a big melee ball, where their swords will be more useful than the enemy's spears, due to the close range...that's a bit weird. Also, the sieges with one ladder are irritating.

I have all the graphic settings maxed out and I'm constantly surprised by how good it looks. The terrain looks great. The models aren't very detailed, but they're well-made enough and well-animated enough that it's not an issue. My main problem is the ridiculous landscapes, which tend to produce random and insane hills that completely fuck over any cavalry charge.