Gamers Thread

I've been playing OFP2, which is more or less the same thing. It's cool, but I'm more into CQB stuff.

Haven't played Rogue Spear. Call me whiny, but I don't think I could get into a shooter where I can't see my penis. Err, gun.

One of the things about R6 is that you make all these strategies based on a 2D map and then act them out by going to a series of waypoints, which though realistic doesn't really make me feel all cool and tactical. In the MW games there is of course no tactics, but there are scripted moments where you'll do cool things (synchronized sniping, multiple entry breaching, etc) that feel really cool and would be nice if R6 could give that feeling. Also, the 2D maps really don't give you a very good idea of what you're dealing with; a wireframe rendering would have been nice, as well as maybe some enemy locations.

If you played the Spec Ops bonus missions in MW2 (I'm talking about the solo ones, multiplayer is gay imo) they do reward tactics. Or at least, the stealth ones. Although I'm not convinced that a trained bloodhound can't detect you from 15 feet away, or that a guard won't notice if three of his buddies die just because he was ten feet away and looking the other direction at the time. Also I'm not sure that getting shot in the arm will kill you before you can make a sound...yeah, nevermind.

Those missions are FUCKING hard on veteran, though.

You must be a BK, not wanting to get owned online huh pussy?

And I'm hoping the new has Delta Force or Special Forces in it. I'm really saddened that my Task Force 141 dudes are out of the action, however I predict Price and Soap will make a comeback somehow.
I play games to get away from people. I recently tried to play America's Army online...the first server I joined had a bunch of little kids talking shit over headset mics. That satisfied my urge to expose myself to other people's retardation for a good long while.
I have no need to prove my manhood by beating other people online. I'm a fairly decent player, nothing remarkable. I just don't enjoy competition much. If you get a kick out of it, that's great, but I only play online against friends.

Anyhow, there's no Call of Duty without Price. They'll definitely be back. They still need to hunt down Makarov...

Question for those who payed attention to the plot (spoiler warning): why the fuck did Shepard betray everyone? It makes no real sense...they would have given him the data anyways, and he would have been a hero anyways, and he had the blank check anyways...what did he gain by killing them? Presumably his plan was to defeat Russia and be a big hero and restore America to world supremacy; I don't see how 141 was impeding his ability to do that at all. The obvious answer is that he did it because he's FUCKING EVIL MWUHAHAhHAHA, but I find that kind of lame, given that the series is ostensibly aiming for gritty, realistic Machiavellian politics...oh well.

Anyhow, I just started Prince of Persia, and...I think I'm falling in love with Elika. She is fucking awesome :)
Yeah I thought I missed it the first time, so I went back and played it again on easy and I guess Shepherd just wanted all the glory himself. It was really sad and/or upsetting though. I'm hoping what happens next is Price somehow gets back into a new Task Force or something with Soap. Not gonna happen, but w/e.

And I usually mute everyone online unless I'm playing with friends.
It was fucking badass...he shot you in the gut, threw you in a ditch, doused you in gas, and threw a burning cigar on you.

Price and Soap can't be on a task force, they're fugitives. But presumably there are some members of 141 left, so my guess is they'll operate under their own authority or possibly with clandestine approval from some other government (they're British, so maybe them). They will undoubtedly be back. I'm sure we'll have to play as the Ranger again, as well...would be cool if he got recruited for Delta Force or the Seals or something. Also, I'm getting tired of fighting Russians. The COD series started off as "kill the blond ones" and now they've added "kill the brown ones too." Maybe they could branch out and let us kill the yellow ones? After all, I find it unlikely that China would actually just sit around during a war between the US and Russia...and with the US under assault, maybe the Arab countries would have a go at Israel. I could see a MW3 where you play alternately as the Ranger dude from 2 doing Delta Force shit against the PLA, Price/Soap doing renegade shit against Makarov and the Russians, and an Israeli special forces guy fucking shit up in the Middle East. Would be badass. We know they love controversy (No Russian was a desperate attempt to generate some), and I can't think of a better way to generate it than doing black ops in an Israeli-Arab conflict...maybe you do overwatch on some missile strikes and there are Arab civilians in the area and OMG WHAT WILL YOU DO!
OFP2 might be similar to ArmA when campaign is compared but ArmA's editor plus addons/mods is what makes the game(plus OFP2 has chinese instead of russians.....fuck chinese guns:lol:). By itself it's just above meh.
It does lack in CQB though. It's possible, but it feels awkward.
As for the planning phases of r6 I use it strictly for AI and make shit up with the team that follows me.

I've really been getting into MW2 right now thanks to C4 and smoke grenades. I didn't think diversions would work so fucking good :lol:
Throw in a sileneced UZI and I'm ready to fuck with people. Stealth is somthing that can still be used quite effectivly in games where almost everything else is unrealistic. It doesn't matter how well they can bunny hop with a sniper rifle if they can't see you.

I havn't played a single player mode in years. Killing AI just wasn't as fun as someone that could think. Plus it's more fun when by succeeding you ruin someone elses gaming experience :p

I usually end up muting everyone other than my friends when I play online.

btw they should make a civil war COD...
I wouldn't want to play against Price. That would suck. But yeah, I wanna see Delta or Special Forces. They are the only two specops services that haven't been in the games yet besides Air Force Pararescue/special tactics.

And def Foley and Ramirez should've been promoted into Delta.
btw they should make a civil war COD...

This would suck so much. Imagine the thrill of firing a round, missing, reloading for thirty seconds, and then firing and missing again.
I think it might be possible to create a decent WWI shooter, but I haven't seen any.
Are there already plans for a MW3?

On the topic of Tom Clancy games I heard that Ubisoft basically just uses his name and he has nothing to do with any of their games.

That's a lie...There's actually Splinter Cell books written by Clancy.

Aswell as Ghost Recon books.

So no they don't use his name for nothing.

And with the way MW2 finished, there has to be a sequel cause the guy at the end said "There going to be looking for us. I know a place where we can sit low" or some shit like that. Basically saying that there's gonna be a sequel.

Anyhow, I just started Prince of Persia, and...I think I'm falling in love with Elika. She is fucking awesome :)

The best Prince Of Persia game hands down, I can't wait for the next installment coming in May.
there's a revolutionary war mod for 1.6era half life and it's fucking awesome.
I played that. It was awesome...both teams spawned in, fired a single round en masse, maybe one person died, and then the rest of the match consisted of bayoneting because reloading took forever.

That's a lie...There's actually Splinter Cell books written by Clancy.

Aswell as Ghost Recon books.

So no they don't use his name for nothing.

Lies. The books were written by other dudes.'s_Splinter_Cell_(novel)
Oh, yeah, you had a pistol, but of course it was single shot as well (revolutionary war, bro, no six-shooters back then). Day of Defeat was actually really good. It was hardcore like Counterstrike, but felt significantly less gamery. Played it with a friend a lot. Control points were a really good call.
I wish i played it serious, i only played cs back then like that and never got the teamplay down but pubbing was great and i should see if my korean brotherein of duty isnt anything on half life mods
Id say so yes. I honestly have a feeling that I like it so much due to the fact that you play as a Big Daddy. That in itself is awesome enough

But yeah, The story is good,and the art and level design is great.