Gamers Thread

It's not as good as the first one, and I've also noticed the AI as well, but I'm still enjoying the game a fair bit.

Did you play the expansions at all btw? Extraction Point and/or Perseus Mandate?
The AI in Fear 2 is basically "Hey, lets take cover for 3 seconds and then blindly run into gunfire." So yes, it was a downgrade to say the least.
So has anyone else played Red Faction: Guerrilla or any of the older games? I played the first one like 5 or 6 years ago and found it to be pretty good but never played the sequel. Guerrilla isn't really much anything like the first, but its a damn fun game.
So...I've played the Splinter Cell: Conviction Demo...and let me tell you this game is going to be absolutely amazing. The interrogation system is amazing, the fact that you can smash a guys head through anything, just makes it so worth it.

The Multiplayer modes are gonna be fun as hell. Definitely going to be better than the shit that was Double Agent.
I'll check out the demo some time, I almost forgot about the Splinter Cell series :lol: it's been years since I've played any of the games.

Also this is a pretty cool thing that I had no idea about.

Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a full credit for those items.
(from the CheapAssGamer website.

So here's a recent list of penny game guides in case anyone was interested:

>>>Dropped on 03.18.10<<<

Gamestop 1¢

Assassin's Creed 2 CE
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex Edition(Wii)
Final Fantasy: Dissidia
Forza 3
Grand Theft Auto IV
Harvest Moon Animal Parade
Magna Carta 2
Ratchet & Clank: Crack In Time
Star Wars The Clone wars: Republic Heroes

>>>Dropped on 03.18.10<<<

>>>Dropped on 03.04.10<<<

Gamestop 1¢

Halo 3

>>>Dropped on 03.04.10<<<

>>>Dropped on 02.22.10<<<

Best Buy 1¢

Brutal Legend
Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare Reflex Edition(Wii)
Champions Online
Codes & Cheats Fall 2009
Far Cry 2
Final Fantasy Dissidia
GTA: Chinatown Wars(PSP)
Grand Theft Auto IV
GTA IV: Episodes From Liberty City(360)
Halo Wars
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Prince Of Persia(softcover)
Ratchet & Clank: Crack In Time
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up
Tekken 6
Warhammer Online
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010

The thread also says that the best option is getting the guides from Best Buy. And heres the link its all from:
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory was awesome. I played a bit of Double Agent, but the graphics were actually worse and the gameplay and controls were pretty shit.

It's not as good as the first one, and I've also noticed the AI as well, but I'm still enjoying the game a fair bit.

Did you play the expansions at all btw? Extraction Point and/or Perseus Mandate?
I played part of Extraction Point, but it felt pretty pointless, just more of the same only minus the awesome plot.
The weak plot in Fear 2 bothered me more than a little.

The AI in Fear 2 is basically "Hey, lets take cover for 3 seconds and then blindly run into gunfire." So yes, it was a downgrade to say the least.
So basically the AI in every other game.
Although I gotta say the AI in Far Cry 2 is pretty sharp. Keeps it's distance, takes cover, looks for you, communicates, doesn't cheat, and is a good shot. The one thing is that they seem to do some miraculous things with shotguns, like hitting you from a hundred yards.
Nah, Clancy games are usually really good about AI. Like Rainbow Six LV where they actually utilize flanks and cover.
Or like Raven Shield, where they stand around until you shoot them and don't investigate automatic weapons fire in the next room.
SC has decent AI, although in the first game I always laughed my ass off when I'd make a noise and the guy would look around for a while and then say in a silly accent "Maybe it was just a shadow." SHADOWS DON'T MAKE NOISE.
I completed Bioshock 2 the other night with the best ending. That has to be one of the best games I've played in ages. Just out of curiosity, does anyone else actually find it difficult to bring yourself to harvest the little sisters.
I haven't played the sequel, but that was the most fun part of the first game. Honestly,though, Bioshock bored me to tears.:erk:
It's just so uhmm, random and cluttered.
Enemies come in random, audio logs are intrusive due to their poor placement in the game, so they often interfere with the gameplay. Samey surroundings filled with heaps of rubble and scattered items. Combat is frustrating; whenever you're hit, your vision blurs making retaliation difficult.
The game is supposed to be atmospheric, but the hectic pacing doesn't let you soak in the atmosphere.
In my opinion, fast-paced shooters are only enjoyable when the action is satisfying(see Painkiller, for instance.)
The game is supposed to be atmospheric, but the hectic pacing doesn't let you soak in the atmosphere.

This, more than anything. It's supposed to be atmospheric and with intelligent combat but for that to work it would have to be much slower. See Deus Ex for Bioshock done right. Apparently System Shock had a similar thing going.
So...Battlefield Bad Company 2 pretty much blows Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer out of the fucking sky. So much better.

Dude amen to that.

I am HOOKED. I played BF2 for years, all the way until this year actually. With BF Bad Company 2, holy crap the bar has been elevated.

I will never be able to play another FPS that doesn't have destructible environments, totally changes the way the game is played and enjoyed.

The graphics are amazing.

The elements in the levels, meaning dust being kicked up by wind, snow powder, sun glare, totally pisses me off sometimes but in a good way. You have to adjust to it.

The levels... awesome! I would be surprised if none of the original BF2 level makers were not involved in this one, they are that awesome.

Highly recommend this game, anyone on there add me to your friends list: MetalAges

Roll call too, who else is playing this? (PC version)
I haven't played any Battlefield game yet, but I see BF 1943 is available for direct purchase from the PS3 online store. Is it worth the price of admission?