Gamers Thread

Never did Civ IV against human opponents. I am sure it's a blast. I hate trying against the upper difficulties. Nothing like just getting Writing done and someone comes riding in with War Elephants and Longbowman. Like wtf.

Yeah the AI gets major bonuses at higher levels (cheaper builds, more starting units, etc).
Yeah, it's more like bullshit as opposed to legitimately challenging. I also noticed on the higher difficulties you need like 80+% chance of victory or your armies will get schooled consistantly, and even 80% is iffy.
Campaign is pretty fun. I played a little bit before going to bed last night and ended on mission 4. I think what's pretty shitty is that you can't get achievements if you're not on, and whilst I didn't choose to not be on it seemed like I was DCed from it and wasn't allowed to get them damn achievements.
Anyone here play Starcraft II yet? I'm installing as we speak, will update once I've played a little bit.

Super excited to play, but this damn install is taking FOREVER.

*Pretty damn fun game, although graphics are not up to par, I would expect more from a game when it comes to graphics, even if it was released in 2005. Anyway, only tried out multiplayer, I'm waiting for the weekend so I can spend all saturday and sunday and just play the fuck out of the single player. Yes for the next few weeks, I will have no life.

Thank you blizzard.
I haven't started. I don't plan on starting that till tomorrow. I'm just playing vs AI to explore the new units.

The computer now says "gg" and will surrender when you are dominating. A very nice new feature.

Gay, nothing feels as awesome as destroying the computers base.
I'm not sure how good the computer is when it comes to AI but they do have different difficulty settings.

I'm still pretty shit at multiplayer, I found this out by playing the beta after preordering the game. Cheesy tactics work every once in awhile against idiots but for a player from intermediate to expert level they laugh and slap you around for abit before just destroying you.
I grow to loathe multiplayer games, especially of the RPG variety. They build the things on teamwork, but teamwork, more often than not, ends up translating into a "divide and conquer" game of coordination that forsakes individual ability. It ends up being about who has the most friends willing to be their bitches rather than who's actually best. Healers in particular amplify this problem especially in WoW and TF2.

I'm rather stubborn and tend to play on my own so I do fall victim to the roaming death squads more often than normal. But outsmarting someone 1v1 is so much more satisfying than mowing people over in a massive one sided victory :/

It's not the destination, it's the trip, IMO.
Now that I have my desktop back, gave Bad Company 2 another chance (singleplayer) and it's really impressing me. Very fun, although the destruction gets a little gimmicky sometimes. AI is solid, especially for team-mates, levels/scenarios are cool if uncreative. Graphics are good, although not as good as MW2. Weapons are cool, although there's a lack of variety since once you get the second assault rifle there's rarely a reason to carry anything but the two best assault rifles.

Now complaints:
It's really frustrating when you get killed behind a stone wall by mere bullets that could never penetrate it. The game doesn't seem to have a penetration system, just destruction, so this must be a bug.

There should be a damn penetration system. Often there'll be a guy in a shitty wooden shed that you could totally shoot through with a high powered assault rifle, but instead you have to either hit him through the window or just blow the thing up.

THe destruction is not dynamic at all, stuff breaks the same way every time. I saw a demo of a star wars game a while back that had truly dynamic destruction, and I think it would be incredibly cool if properly implemented.

As Yahtzee said, DUST.

Also, there is no way everyone in Bolivia carries an RPG.

So far though, it's a fun shooter. The best thing about it is the pacing; the combat is fast and hectic, yet not so fast that you can't keep track of what's going on and move strategically rather than just blindly reacting. Combat pacing is one of the most important things in shooters, for me, and Bad Company 2 seriously nailed it.
So, I played two chunks of GoW, and it's slow moving, clunky, 3rd person gameplay is decently fun, but OMG does it fuck me up going back over to MW2. Probably not going to mess with GoW much. Fortunately my wife likes GoW.