Gamers Thread

Mathiäs;9276240 said:
Can't fucking wait till Black Ops, Reach, and Tier 1 Operator come out. Fuck MW2

I have thought about going with Reach over Black Ops. Definitely can't afford both. I miss the run & gun, circle dancing of Halo. What happened to you on MW2?

Lately I haven't been seeing boosters, instead I am seeing guys with the modded controller for like 2x speed shooting.
Now that I have my desktop back, gave Bad Company 2 another chance (singleplayer) and it's really impressing me. Very fun, although the destruction gets a little gimmicky sometimes. AI is solid, especially for team-mates, levels/scenarios are cool if uncreative. Graphics are good, although not as good as MW2. Weapons are cool, although there's a lack of variety since once you get the second assault rifle there's rarely a reason to carry anything but the two best assault rifles.

Now complaints:
It's really frustrating when you get killed behind a stone wall by mere bullets that could never penetrate it. The game doesn't seem to have a penetration system, just destruction, so this must be a bug.

There should be a damn penetration system. Often there'll be a guy in a shitty wooden shed that you could totally shoot through with a high powered assault rifle, but instead you have to either hit him through the window or just blow the thing up.

THe destruction is not dynamic at all, stuff breaks the same way every time. I saw a demo of a star wars game a while back that had truly dynamic destruction, and I think it would be incredibly cool if properly implemented.

As Yahtzee said, DUST.

Also, there is no way everyone in Bolivia carries an RPG.

So far though, it's a fun shooter. The best thing about it is the pacing; the combat is fast and hectic, yet not so fast that you can't keep track of what's going on and move strategically rather than just blindly reacting. Combat pacing is one of the most important things in shooters, for me, and Bad Company 2 seriously nailed it.

I share some similar complaints.

For the singleplayer, well, I couldn't even bring myself to finish it. The AI is pretty damn good for the enemy, but my squad would sit there, unload their INFINITE AMMUNITION, and not kill a fucking enemy.

The destruction does get gimmicky 9but loading up an atv with C4 and driving full speed to your destination rules)

@Penetration: The M95 can penetrate walls (and it fucking should). most wooden structures can be shot through too... essentially though I agree with you.

DUST. What the fuck Dice, can't articulate bloom much? Hooooly crap this shit pisses me off, I don't understand how people can snipe through this shit.

Multiplayer is the bast damn thing ever though (sans the assholes AIMbotting).

My name is: Yngvi-Frey
I want to play that.

It's really fucking good, probably the best game I've played this year (though there haven't been too many). There's SO much fucking content, and if you can get some people you know who also play it to hang around with you, you can do a TON of stuff post-game; grind in random dungeons, face old bosses from previous DW/DQ games, treasure hunting, etc. It's just awesome.
Lately I haven't been seeing boosters, instead I am seeing guys with the modded controller for like 2x speed shooting.

I'm still seeing boosters. I usually give them a bad review and send them an abusive message.

Our stats are eerily similar Dak.
I have thought about going with Reach over Black Ops. Definitely can't afford both. I miss the run & gun, circle dancing of Halo. What happened to you on MW2?

Lately I haven't been seeing boosters, instead I am seeing guys with the modded controller for like 2x speed shooting.

I'm just tired of doing amazing and still losing. And I just don't enjoy it. Reach will hopefully not blow ass. I was definitely a huuuuge Halo fan until I decided that I needed to take a new direction with my life and stopped playing. I actually enjoyed playing Halo, but MW2 always gets super old super fast.

And my friends have a list of 'tubable offenses' that result in us raping them with danger close explosives. Boosting and modded controllers are on the list.
I'm still seeing boosters. I usually give them a bad review and send them an abusive message.

Our stats are eerily similar Dak.

Oh I am sure they are still around, just haven't encountered them in the last couple weeks. Also haven't been on as much.

Yeah, we are pretty much on an even skill level it looks like.

I swear I would have like at least an extra 75-100 wins in FFA if it werent for all the time I came in 2nd to boosters or guys with modded controllers. Guys running around with full auto FALs and shit.

@Mathias: Yeah, I really miss Halo 1 actually. Most fun I ever had in a FPS. 16 player home LAN parties on those maps were just pure fun.
Have you guys played Torchlight?

I heard a lot of the developers for the original Diablo and D2 developed it.
So far, greatly enjoying Splinter Cell Conviction. It is everything it should be; slick, gritty, and badass. Not a huge fan of the mark and execute system and it'd be cool if things were scaled down a bit (fewer enemies, smaller areas, harder to kill, more violent violence), but honestly this is absolutely awesome so far.
I was kinda dissapointed with Splinter Cell Conviction, i was a big fan of the previous games this didnt feel as stealthy and sneaky to me. Great story though and some the action was cool. The mark and execute took me a while to get used to but when you get the "meter" all the way out then take out multiple dudes its cool.

RDR is thus far my game of the year looking forward to some more single player DLC (the "undead" pack sounds cool)

Just finished Arkham Asylum which blew my mind as a comic book/batman animated geek. Arkham City definaetly topping my most anticipated for next year
I was kinda dissapointed with Splinter Cell Conviction, i was a big fan of the previous games this didnt feel as stealthy and sneaky to me. Great story though and some the action was cool. The mark and execute took me a while to get used to but when you get the "meter" all the way out then take out multiple dudes its cool.
Yeah, it's basically just not a Splinter Cell game. Radically different, more of a straight-up action game. Feels a lot like the Bourne movies, or something like that.
I still don't like mark and execute, but occasionally it's seriously awesome.
There are occasional issues with controls; in particular, waiting behind cover and then jumping out to melee someone is a lot harder than it should be.
However, this is still a distinctly AWESOME game. Pumped to finish it. The plot is the typical Clancy conspiracy bullshit, but it's fun.