Gamers Thread

I have that problem with TD all the time. I have to play like 5 TD's to get 1 win. I always seem to be on the team with the 2kill/21death rere, no matter how the teams get reshuffled. I am not a great TD player compared my FFA ownage, but I at least make sure my ratio is even.

I only started playing TD recently, I was FFA all the way before that. I spun right the fuck out when the Derail map came up. No idea why it's not an option for FFA, I don't mind it. I've kinda gotten into the team play though, it's good to mix it up.

I have also been on a complaint filing/player reviewing binge with all the 360ers/quickscopers/aimbot campers/etc.

You know much more about this stuff than I do it seems. What is quickscoping and aimbotting and how are they enabled? Another hack? I see these things in killcams and wonder how the hell these people are doing what they're doing. And what's a 360er?

What has been fun as shit recently though is I finally went and got a Tac Knife attachment.I fucking own Vacant and Scrapyard fairly regularly.

I'm very much stuck in the Tar 21 run & gun rut, have been for a while. I should start mixing it up again.
Dak, crack-knifing is on my list of "tubable offenses". Just though you should know. And also, I don't run into very many aimbots anymore. In fact I can only think of one time I really had a problem with someone using it.

And yeah that Tar is amazing with holo sight. Cuts right through painkiller and theres enough ammo in the clip to get a decent killstreak. I've been stuck in Famas / Scar / Intervention mode through my last two prestiges though
Going through a "shit phase" on MW2 atm. Extremely frustrating. I'm either always on the losing team in TD, playing well in FFA but some nutbar freak will beat me with 30 kills and 2 deaths, or when I'm finally on my game the fucking server times out just before I'm about to win. Argh etc.

I've been in this phase for like 3 months. Can't string any wins together and I'm always at the top of the list, in any gametype. My w/l used to be 1.24, now it's dropped to 1.11.
I haven't really been motivated to play SC2 besides a little bit of the campaign and a few games against an AI.

I'm sure I'll get into it in a month. Plus one of the main reasons I purchased it was for the custom maps, and I haven't really seen any that have impressed me.
Mathiäs;9327585 said:
Dak, crack-knifing is on my list of "tubable offenses".

What the fuck for? Also haven't heard the term "crack knifing" before. It takes a high amount of skill that tubing and RPGing just don't take. It generally destroys camping tubers in small maps.


Quickscoping is just tapping your triggers just right from what I can tell. It's bullshit. No aiming required and one shot kills. 360ing you will see when someone with a sniper rifle is spinning in a circle, also something to do with no aim one shotting.

Technically I can't prove certain people are aim botting, but after watching some killcams I have no other option to assume.

The TAR is fucking legit. I also just discovered it's awesomeness at the end of my last prestige and I am pretty addicted in maps requiring ARs.

I fucking hate Derail btw. It's way too big and nothing but camping. I have gotten to the point where I just back out of Wasteland/Derail and half the time Quarry and Estate as well, depending on how the players in the lobby have been playing.
I haven't really been motivated to play SC2 besides a little bit of the campaign and a few games against an AI.

I'm sure I'll get into it in a month. Plus one of the main reasons I purchased it was for the custom maps, and I haven't really seen any that have impressed me.

this tower d is time consuming and enjoyable
Mathiäs;9327585 said:
And yeah that Tar is amazing with holo sight. Cuts right through painkiller and theres enough ammo in the clip to get a decent killstreak. I've been stuck in Famas / Scar / Intervention mode through my last two prestiges though

That's what I love about it. I like the scar as well, but there aren't enough bullets in the clip.

Quickscoping is just tapping your triggers just right from what I can tell. It's bullshit. No aiming required and one shot kills. 360ing you will see when someone with a sniper rifle is spinning in a circle, also something to do with no aim one shotting.

Technically I can't prove certain people are aim botting, but after watching some killcams I have no other option to assume.

Yeah I've seen both of those things, fucking annoying, but not as bad as the fucking boosters. Although I'm seeing less of those.

The TAR is fucking legit. I also just discovered it's awesomeness at the end of my last prestige and I am pretty addicted in maps requiring ARs.

Every time I try using another gun I end up going back to the tar soon afterwards. I never use shotguns or sniper rifles and the tar is easily the best assault rifle.

I fucking hate Derail btw. It's way too big and nothing but camping. I have gotten to the point where I just back out of Wasteland/Derail and half the time Quarry and Estate as well, depending on how the players in the lobby have been playing.

Camping happens everywhere, I don't worry too much about them because they rarely win. I wonder why they chose one map to not be included in FFA, doesn't make much sense to me.
That's what I love about it. I like the scar as well, but there aren't enough bullets in the clip.

Extended mags mange, although, the TAR with extended mags is even better. The SCAR is superior for longer distance shooting.

Yeah I've seen both of those things, fucking annoying, but not as bad as the fucking boosters. Although I'm seeing less of those.

Seeing less boosters as well, but getting MSGs to my inbox all the time from random people offering boosting lobbies. I report and delete.

Seeing a lot more people with radioactive icon, and based off their gameplay are quite sure they didn't earn it. Worthluss chumps.I have gotten quite good at getting rid of boosters in my lobbies anyway. All you have to do really, is knock them off the 25kill streak two maps in a row and they leave.

Every time I try using another gun I end up going back to the tar soon afterwards. I never use shotguns or sniper rifles and the tar is easily the best assault rifle.

Yeah I don't really mess around with shotguns as knifing is easier (no switching). I just can't understand the sniper rifles in this game. I can be center mass, using the steadying LTS, on a non-moving target, and miss. Then see other people shoot and not even be on target or quickscoping and get a hit. It's fucking stupid.

Camping happens everywhere, I don't worry too much about them because they rarely win. I wonder why they chose one map to not be included in FFA, doesn't make much sense to me.

Yeah campers rarely win, but every once in a while you get some dude with scavenger and a fucking deadly aim with a noobtube, on a map where no one is running coldblooded, so his Pavelow/Harrior kills everyone that he doesn't toob. So fucking gay.
Well my Starcraft record is shit thanks to the help of my POS computer. I'm currently gold with a record of 55-46 (7-10 of those losses due to computer crash). I even have the graphics on the lowest setting, but my processor is terrible. I can't wait till I upgrade, which should be within the next month.
Turned in Red Faction: Guerrilla, Left 4 Dead 2 and FEAR 2, got $33 in return and bought Alien vs Predator and the special edition of Reservoir Dogs.

Anyways, Alien vs Predator is awesome, though so far I've only played as the alien. Both the single player and multiplayer are damn fun.
ohhhhh yes


the remote controlled car/bomb looks sweet!
yeah the animations are, kinda.. but this looks like itll be more insane than mw2
Well my Starcraft record is shit thanks to the help of my POS computer. I'm currently gold with a record of 55-46 (7-10 of those losses due to computer crash). I even have the graphics on the lowest setting, but my processor is terrible. I can't wait till I upgrade, which should be within the next month.

im like rank 35ish on gold..only played maybe 40 matches..probably more like 30 though having fun playing custom too