Gamers Thread

I'm going to stick with WoW, but I'm also playing FF14 no matter how bad it turns out haha. I spent 400 dollars to upgrade my computer just to be able to play it, I am goddamn well playing the FUCK out of it.

I'll try a trial of SW:TOR though.
Guild Wars 2 looks fucking awesome, and it's free. Screw paying monthly for a game. When is it due to be released? I'm looking to build a new PC soon.

FFXIV looks boring as all hell. Screw it, the entire franchise has gone down hill. The combat system looks so non engaging, and the music is so bad.
"Screw paying monthly for a game"

You obviously don't understand the need for companies like Blizzard and Square to charge monthly for their games obviously.
Oh I understand it alright. I used to play WoW religiously and paid monthly for 3 years straight. They need money to consistently upkeep their massive servers, pay their employees yadda yadda yadda. Maybe I should've worded that slightly better.

I don't want to pay monthly for a game. After I stopped playing WoW, I sunk into the casual gamer mode where I don't spend every waking hour or chance I got playing a computer game. If I carried on that way and still paid monthly, I don't think I'd be getting my money's worth. I'd much rather be playing a game that I can keep coming back to and have no commitments with.
i will be playing DCUO on PS3 when it comes out in november. combat will be like a fighting game such that every punch/kick/shot corresponds to a button press which is very appealing to me.

i will build a new pc when GW2 comes out. it looks fanfuckingtastic.

SW:TOR gameplay looks hella fun but the graphics look dated. i might try a demo.

FF14 graphics look pretty but combat looks incredibly boring. it seems there's a "timer" in between attacks, which is lame cuz it makes you feel detached from the action.
Lucas Arts needs to make or commission another god damn Jedi Knight game. Shit. Those were the best Star Wars games ever.
Combat in FF14 is actually fairly smooth so far, but my computer being a piece of shit makes it a bit of a bitch at times.

Once I get my new CPU and GPU in, it'll probably run much smoother.

Really enjoying the beta so far even if the pacing of it is a bit slow to start.
The Force Unleashed is today's "Jedi Knight" imo. II is coming out soon and it looks pretty cool.

wasnt a huge Duke Nukem fan, but i'll check the game out anyway