Gamers Thread

Funny thing is that those captains don't even appear in the legion campaign, they're automatically replaced with a woman named Legate Rikke, who basically gives you orders through the whole campaign. Those guys should be completely killable, but they're not, and it sucks.
Speaking of unkillable things, I wish I could give that bastard kid in Dragonsreach a what for.
Played an online match as Protoss, which is unusual for me. One of my enemies was Zerg and rushed me, killing most of my workers. I eventually got back at them by massing void rays and getting a mothership. Pretty much the only thing that can stop that is mass vikings.
I remember reading somewhere that there is a correlation between the uniqueness of a person's name and the likelihood they will end up in prison.
It's not a bad name. Kids will always find bullshit reasons to bully each other (can't wait for the mods that will make them kill-able in Skyrim) and giving unique names shouldn't be discouraged unless they're completely retarded.

(There are four men and one woman in Sweden named Chewbacca.)
Finally, a yahoo article that is filled with awesome comments:

"Dovahkiin, level 1 human, specializing in the breastfeeding perk."

"He will slay his bullies and absorb their souls, allowing him to unlock more Thu'ums."

""Here's a good way to ensure your kid gets his lunch money stolen on a regular basis."
May he grow strong enough to destroy his adversaries.".

"That's not the name of a kid who would be bullied. That is the name of a 6 foot tall athlete who carries girls on his shoulders at pep rallies. This kid is going to Prom King, chess club president, and the father of 17 kids."

"Teacher: Ok, class room role call. Tommy?
Teacher: Dominic?
Teacher: Heather?
Teacher: Dovahkiin?

UT-SKO-TAAA!!! *Dragon shouts across the classroom.*"
So, has anyone ever played the Siren games? I've been looking into them and they actually look pretty good. If it wasn't for the graphics, I wouldn't believe that the first one was made in 2003. Kind of makes me annoyed that I never owned a PS2.

Come to think of it, a lot of the old Japanese survival horror games look surprisingly good for their age. I'm surprised series like Fatal Frame were never bigger, outside of Japan at least.
just beat the Gauldur Amulet bosses after dying a lot. i finally won by going destruction on the 1st guy, dual-wield on the 2nd, and then werewolf on the ass of the 3rd.
Been playin Saints Row 3. Really fuckin awesome. My main character speaks like a zombie. Cant understand what hes sayin in cutscenes.
Been playin Saints Row 3. Really fuckin awesome. My main character speaks like a zombie. Cant understand what hes sayin in cutscenes.

Yeah man, I fucking love it. Great game, tons of endless fun...Just running at people and executing wretling moves on everyone just endlessly enjoys the shit outta me :lol:
Anyone played Cave Story? I bought it a little while ago and it's pretty fun. I'm playing it on hard difficulty now, but I can't pass the ending so far. Mostly because you have to fight three bosses in a row and you only get to heal once during that. Bullshit.