Gamers Thread

Really, really fucking stoked for this. It looks absolutely incredible. I bought the original two games and played through the first yesterday. I'm still waiting for the second to arrive in the mail. It was surprisingly fun for a decade-old game. Anyway, I've got my special edition of 3 pre-ordered and can't wait till nect Friday.
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I only played the first Max Payne and I fucking loved every second of it. Couldn't care less about Max Payne 2, and even less about Max Payne 3 (which looks like complete shit).
Complete shit? Are you thinking of the same game? The animation system looks like nothing that's ever been in a game before and the graphics are great. The shooting and bullet time look awesome. The story and presentation seem like they're being handled maturely and should be great, but it's a Rockstar game so that should be expected. I recall some people complaining that the noir style was gone because it had been moved from New York but the story looks just as dark as ever, if not more so. Max still has his monologues and they've even set some of the game in New York to keep the fans happy. Even the multiplayer looks fun and original. I honestly can't see any reason to not like this game apart from hating change.
Played a bit of Max Payne 3 at a friends house and I must say I was pretty unimpressed. It honestly felt more like Modern Warfare than Max Payne...cover-based shooting broken up by the occasional dive. The enemy placement bothered me too - in previous Max Payne games the enemies had always seemed like they had a reason for being where they were, whether it was setting up a barricade to stop you or hanging out in their shitty brothel. Now they've got the Modern Warfare thing where they run up in pairs and die pretty much instantly. The story doesn't seem bad, but there were really long cutscenes. The animations and graphics look good, but not as good as I expected (although it was the 360 version). I'll have to play it on PC, but my first impression was disappointing.
obliterating hordes of monsters and undead with my barbarian :flame:. started with monk but it looked fucking awkward that she ran around with weapons and then sheathed them to punch stuff instead. barb was more natural to me and i love how she sends foes flying with her attacks.
succubi in Diablo 3 have naked boobs, and later species of them are in thongs. faith in Blizzard restored!


super saiyan form
Anyone who buys Diablo 3 is a bastard. I'm sure it's a good game and all, but buying Diablo 3 is saying yes to always-online server-side-horseshit DRM. Five years down the line when you buy a new single player game and find you can't play it because the maker went under and took all the servers down, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
Anyone who buys Diablo 3 is a bastard. I'm sure it's a good game and all, but buying Diablo 3 is saying yes to always-online server-side-horseshit DRM. Five years down the line when you buy a new single player game and find you can't play it because the maker went under and took all the servers down, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
Yep. People whine when companies like Ubisoft use DRM, but when Blizzard does it, it's suddenly ok? :err:

Nevermind that the game looks like crap and took 10 years to develop with virtually nothing new brought to the table, Blizzard are heroes right? :lol:
the game may have a slightly brighter color palette but when you get to the later chapters like when Heaven is being corrupted by demons, it's pure awesomeness.

not to mention the insane mayhem of battling hordes of monsters as a 4-man party with all the spells, explosions and blood flying around. this game does not go light on the gore. and the boss battles are huge and epic.

a bit too easy on normal but in nightmare i've died a few times already which makes me happy cuz now it's quite challenging.
Immersion is something modern games have been making a very large focal point.

Honestly though there is some merit to D3 not seeming like a Diablo game, it plays more like a Gauntlet game, but still is noticeably Diablo anyways.
:tickled: You're quite cute. One can be wrong to harbor a doubt. In your case your doubt stems from a complete lack of understanding of how variance in color palettes can amplify the dark. The aphotic method many fans have been whining for since the initial release of D3 screen shots is simply silly, and once again shows lack of understanding of what made the initial games look like they did.

Redacted until I'm in a more patient mood.