Gamers Thread

Actually it seems a few posts are missing. Maybe a server thing. The post in which you said that I was wrong that I doubted something is gone, as is my response to that, and your follow-up post to that, although that one is preserved in a quote. Nevermind then. I still think your original responses were moronic and based on things I never even said. :p
Actually it seems a few posts are missing. Maybe a server thing. The post in which you said that I was wrong that I doubted something is gone, as is my response to that, and your follow-up post to that, although that one is preserved in a quote. Nevermind then. I still think your original responses were moronic and based on things I never even said. :p

You misread what I had initially said, and you took things far too personally than in the bits of light heartened way they were supposed to be delivered. Yes, I was expressing disagreement with what you thought from what you had seen, but not with the serious face you displayed.

The very first comment about the color palette clearly stated it was about those that have complained about it since the initial release of screen shots. After that I was just having fun with you for your quick to rage stance.

Again, I figured this last post would had been pretty obvious with its intent of jesting and what not, but even that garnered angst.
So I've been playing Sniper Elite V2, and I have to say, it's not good.
Initially I assumed it would be terrible, then a trailer got my hopes up, and then the game itself disappointed me. The shooting mechanics are damn solid and the fluid mix of stealth and sniping is awesome, but the game is pretty damn linear. My main problem is the way the game handles enemies; you'll clear an area from a good position, carefully scan it, then move forward. Suddenly a bunch more soldiers will spawn, often from locations you actually cleared. You're caught in the open and are toast. Sometimes snipers will spawn in spots you'd already checked, which basically means you're fucked. Fuck everything about this.
Other, lesser complaints: enemies are way too accurate on the highest difficulty. Enemies find you way too easily (again, high difficulty). Your footsteps are absurdly loud. SMGs are wildly inaccurate when you use them, but become fucking orbital death cannons when the nazis have them.

But yeah, if they make a third one it might be decent.
I'm still playing Diablo 3 in small bites. It's really fun so far, and I love how I can use a bunch of skills at the same time. I just don't like the lag.
Getting burnt on D3 already and I'm not even level 50. It's just lacking in the depth I'm looking for. I find myself going back to Skyrim/League of Legends or just reading the forums about the latest Guild Wars 2 news.
act 2 inferno is fucking ridiculous. i get 1 or 2 shotted by every elite mob. act 1 inferno is a cakewalk, the sudden insane difficulty increase is stupid. i'm sick of killing the butcher over and over just to get money to upgrade gear in the auction house, which are expensive as fuck.
Does anyone still play Skyrim regularly? I'm planning on going back and starting a new character, and I was wondering what the current state of the game is and how far the modding community has come.
I've started plying again with the announcement of the new DLC. I've found that all the new patches make the gameplay much more enjoyable (arrow kill cams are awesome). I've started playing a stealth character and it's much more fun than my warrior save. I can't really comment on the current state of mods for the game as I play it on console, so all I've seen are Youtube videos. That being said, most of the mod videos I've watched seem pretty cool.
Also, in case anyone hasn't seen this:
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So the Humble Indie Bundle V is a preposterously good deal. Braid, Amnesia, LIMBO, Superbrothers, Super Meat Boy, Bastion, and Psychonauts for under $10. I've been playing Psychnoauts and I must say it's pretty damn awesome.
So the Humble Indie Bundle V is a preposterously good deal. Braid, Amnesia, LIMBO, Superbrothers, Super Meat Boy, Bastion, and Psychonauts for under $10. I've been playing Psychnoauts and I must say it's pretty damn awesome.

I don't know what the fuck any of these things are.
Amnesia is probably the most relevant to your interests. It's a horror game heavily inspired by Lovecraft. I won't go into too much detail, but it's one of a relatively few games that I would say are 100% horror games, as opposed to stuff like Dead Space that's basically a shooter with extra gore.

Braid is a platformer game based around time-manipulation puzzles. It's really really worth a shot.

Bastion is a recent RPG. It's got a cartoony style that you may or may not enjoy. It's mostly notable for using narration much more prominently and to greater effect than any game I can think of.

Super Meat Boy is a platformer. It's very old school, and extremely difficult, but quite fun.

Limbo honestly struck me as a bullshit hipster game, but I didn't really give it much time.

Super-Brothers is a puzzle/adventure game. Mostly interesting for the degree to which music is integrated into the game. Also an interesting visual style, and I found the prose entertaining.

Psychonauts is the odd man out, in that it was actual a mainstream release back in 2005. However, it's extremely imaginative. The central premise involves entering people's minds; each level is a different person's subconscious, and so there's a ton of interesting symbolism and whatnot. It's mostly played for laughs; the visual style is very cartoony and quite psychedelic. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

You get a steam key so they're yours forever as long as steam exists, as well as a direct download from the indie bundle website if you want, and also the soundtracks in the format of your choice, if you want. The money goes to the developers, to charity, or to the organizers of this thing, in the proportions you choose. The way it works is you pay as much or as little as you want, but a couple of the games you only get if you pay more than the average, which when I bought a couple days ago was $8.22. Really really worth it.

Still haven't played the first one but I think I'll have to now. I was going to just buy it on Steam but this Humble Indie Bundle V sounds interesting.

Edit: Guess not, since it's over. To Steam it is. I already had Limbo on Xbox anyway, and I think Psychonauts is backwards compatible and you can pick up a copy pretty cheap.
I'm downloading Amnesia now. Really looking forward to it. I have a little question though. Does anyone know if the free 'Justine' DLC is just included on the download or do you have to download it separately.

While on the topic of horror games, I think I've accepted that Dead Space isn't survival horror with the new footage of the third game. That being said, it's probably one of the best action horrors out there. Also, Aliens: Colonial Marines looks like it should be very enjoyable. I like that they're attempting to make it what Alien 3 should have been.
Based on the first few hours of Dead Space 1, there's really nothing "horror" about it. There's no pacing. No tension. They take about 10 minutes to show you the first monster and from then on there's no mystery or anything. There's nothing to be afraid of. There are some occasional shock tactics and then that's it. Just mindless shooting. You're never really afraid any more than you are in Gears or Call of Duty. You never dread what's around the next corner, because it's already up in your face.

Also, I reject the notion that reducing the amount of ammunition available suddenly makes something a survival game. Survival is about choices. In a linear game like Dead Space there are no meaningful choices. A game like Day Z is true survival horror. Dead Space is a linear action game with slow movement speed and a penchant for juvenile displays of gore. The fact that they clearly and deliberately marketed the second game specifically to 12 year olds should tell you all you need to know.

Game devs really need to get this through their heads: horror lies in the unknown. The moment you show us something, it loses power. So...don't show us stuff. Fuck with our heads. Weird noises. Glimpses of shit. Tension.